AltWeeklies Wire

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Tells the Truth Too Latenew

Olmert recently said something that no previous Israeli prime minister has said. He declared that if Israel wants peace, it must withdraw from almost all the lands it occupied in 1967. Unfortunately, it's probably too late.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  10-06-2008  |  International

Bush's Loser Lap Around the Middle Eastnew

After the debacle of President Bush's Middle East junket, just as a matter of national security the country should consider barring reviled lame-duck leaders from taking loser laps to regions of the world they have degraded.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  05-22-2008  |  Commentary

Arms Expert Scott Ritter Says the U.S. Plans to Attack Irannew

With each passing week, it seems there are more stories raising the specter of George Bush turning Afghanistan and Iraq into a bloody trifecta and attacking Iran. We talk to former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter whose book Target Iran warns of impending war.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette and W. Kim Heron  |  11-29-2007  |  War

Forget Petraeus, Here's the Juan Cole Reportnew

"No happy endings in Iraq that I can see," says the University of Michigan history professor and author of the must-read blog Informed Comment.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  09-18-2007  |  War

The Arab Street's Long Shadownew

Israeli and Arab leaders share the fear of swelling support for Sunni fighters in Iraq.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  04-13-2007  |  International

Bad Times 101new

These books are must-reads for understanding Iraq, the war on terror and conflict in the Middle East.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Gwyneth Doland  |  08-02-2006  |  International

The Lost Dream of Peacenew

Ariel Sharon's life, and Israel's, hang in the balance.
The Village Voice  |  Anya Kamenetz  |  01-05-2006  |  Commentary

Pseudo Arabia

Written and directed by Stephen Gaghan, who scripted Steven Soderbergh's structurally kindred Traffic, the intriguing but finally unsatisfying Syriana is the latest product of the Clooney-Soderbergh salutary-cinema factory.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  12-09-2005  |  Reviews

Memo From Karl Rove: I Quit!new

To G.W. Bush: You ain't got the sense God gave a wart hog, boy.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  09-14-2005  |  Comedy

Destroying Babylonnew

Forget the elections -- Iraq is falling apart. Besides, as the on-the-scene reporter observes, calling them elections is a bit of stretch.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Dahr Jamail  |  01-26-2005  |  War

Noam Chomsky on What Matters

Before an appearance in Santa Fe with Tariq Ali, Chomsky speaks about the U.S. response to the tsunami, the state of the country and healthcare costs that "could well bankrupt the economy."
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Julia Goldberg  |  01-19-2005  |  Politics

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