AltWeeklies Wire
How Microsoft's Co-Founders Are Spending Their Political Bucksnew

Who are Seattle's two filthy richest backing for president? With less than two months to go, Bill Gates and Paul Allen aren't clearly tipping their hands.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
09-29-2008 |
Deep Pockets Still Love Ted Stevensnew

Despite his indictment and earlier suspicions he was on the take, Alaska's Ted Stevens still has a nearly $3 million fundraising lead over his likely Democratic challenger in November, Anchorage mayor Mark Begich. Boeing, for one, has ponied up $48,000 for his re-election campaign.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
08-11-2008 |
Rep. Jim McDermott Seems to be Skating to 11th Termnew
Despite predictions that Washington state's new top-two primary -- which allows two candidates to progress to the general election regardless of party affiliation -- might spell trouble for McDermott, Seattle's 10-term incumbent congressman still lacks a serious challenger for his 2008 run.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
08-04-2008 |
A Political Prodigy Won't Head to Denver as a Clinton Delegate After Allnew
At the state Democratic convention in Spokane last weekend, 17-year-old Jack Laurence, the grandson of legendary Washington Sen. Henry M. Jackson, lost his bid to attend the Democratic National Convention in August as a delegate for Sen. Hillary Clinton. Part of Jack's problem was the state Democratic party's push for diversity; they wanted at-large delegates of ethnicities that hadn't been elected at the congressional caucuses.
Seattle Weekly |
Jesse Froehling |
06-23-2008 |
Jack Laurence Hopes to be Youngest National Convention Delegate in Washington Historynew

The 17-year-old is trying to represent the entire state of Washington as a Hillary Clinton delegate at the Democratic National Convention this summer.
Seattle Weekly |
Jesse Froehling |
06-02-2008 |
Can Taxpayer-Funded Political Campaigns Even the Scale?new
As always, Seattle is looking to match the progressive ideals of Portland and its Voter Owned Elections system -- but the plan doesn't look as pretty up close.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
04-14-2008 |
How Gay Porn Gets a Pass in Seattlenew
Would female strippers on city-owned property go over as well as Mr. Nude Seattle?
Seattle Weekly |
Mark D. Fefer |
04-07-2008 |
Are You Sure Your Delegate is Registered to Vote?new
Some counties aren't vetting their delegates to make sure they pass muster.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
03-31-2008 |
'Too Tight to Tell' Is the New 'Too Close to Call'new
Or, if you prefer, "Too Narrow to Note."
Seattle Weekly |
Laura Onstot |
03-24-2008 |
Former U.S. Attorney Hits the White House Hardnew
John McKay has written what sounds like a closing argument for locking up most of the Bush administration.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
03-18-2008 |
Why Do We Still Have Caucuses?new
Regular voters still don't know how they work.
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
02-12-2008 |
Tags: 2008 presidential election, caucus
The White House Candidates in Your Neighborhoodnew
In Washington state, it's not just about the Clintons and Obamas of this campaign.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
01-28-2008 |
Meet Clinton's 'Informal Adviser' on Evangelicalsnew
Don Argue is tight-lipped about the extent of the relationship.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
01-14-2008 |
Rating the Seattle Stops by Presidential Hopefulsnew
We're not Iowa, but candidates filled rock clubs and union halls for our cash and votes this year.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
01-07-2008 |
Why Jim McDermott Thinks Global, Disdains Localnew

Seattle's nine-term representative in the House seems more like an appointed ambassador of leftist good will than the elected representative of a Pacific Northwest city.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
10-15-2007 |