AltWeeklies Wire
Doc Finds the Flaws in North America's Approach to Intellectual Propertynew

A new "open source" documentary is a look at the battle between copyright and "copyleft."
Fast Forward Weekly |
Lindsay Bowman |
03-19-2009 |
'I Love You, Man,' But This Movie Sucksnew

The cliched plot and forced comedy of I Love You, Man are better suited to Dane Cook.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Alan Cho |
03-19-2009 |
'Pontypool' Director Bruce McDonald Throws His Hat Into the Horror Worldnew

Bruce McDonald has been a fixture on the Canadian indie film scene since the 1989 Toronto International Film Festival. Pontypool is frightening, funny and probably the best thing McDonald's ever done.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
03-19-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Welcome' to a Quaint Comedynew

From an outsider's perspective, Welcome to the Sticks is a straightforward fish-out-of-water comedy, but something in this warm French comedy captured the national imagination. A third of the country went to see it in theaters, unseating Titanic as the top-grossing film ever released in France.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
02-19-2009 |
Fungi Doc Too Goofy to Alter Mindsnew

Ron Mann's Know Your Mushrooms struggles with its own identity. Too goofy and light-hearted to be genuinely interesting but too shallow and ham-handedly "stoner-friendly" to appeal to the incense and Animal Collective set, the end result is stuck in limbo.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Patrick Doyle |
02-12-2009 |
Listening to Who: Isle of Wight Fest Hits Theatres Againnew

Some musicians go a long way for spectacle — lasers, makeup and inflatable pigs have all been par for the course. The Who didn’t need any of that. By 1970, they had already perfected and moved beyond mod rock, well on their way to becoming one of rock’s greatest act.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
02-12-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Inside the Deeply Bizarre World of IMDb Movie Suggestionsnew

Let's take a second look at the sometimes incomprehensible "recommendations" feature on the Internet Movie Database website ( As you'll soon see, some of these recommendations are rather unexpected.
Fast Forward Weekly |
John Tebbutt |
12-11-2008 |
'Let the Right One In': After 'Twilight'new

In a year that may be remembered as the year of the youth vampire movie, Swedish film Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) has considerable more bite than Twilight.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Shelley Arnusch |
12-11-2008 |
'Milk' is Refreshingnew

Biopic balances mainstream Hollywood with gay politics.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Bryn Evans |
12-11-2008 |
'Milk' Screenwriter Dustin Lance Black Finds Inspiration Both Personal and Politicalnew

"When I was done with the script, I was going to take it out to some directors, and Cleve said, 'No, let me send it out,' and he gave it to Gus." From there, the film came together very quickly -- in a matter of weeks, the producers and Sean Penn were on board.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Bryn Evans |
12-11-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Charlie Kaufman Takes on Life Itselfnew

It's tempting to get entangled in the little details sparkling throughout Charlie Kaufman's directorial debut, Synecdoche, New York.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Alan Cho |
11-13-2008 |
'Quantum of Solace' is Determined to Strike its Own Pathnew

Anyone hoping Daniel Craig's delivery of the iconic "Bond, James Bond" introduction at the end of Casino Royale signaled the return of the classic Bond, think again.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
11-13-2008 |
Why the Living Dead Will Never Die -- a Bit of Zombie Navel-Gazingnew

Zombie movies are everywhere. They surround us like a horde of reanimated corpses clawing at our boarded-up windows, and they just keep coming. Some of these films are brilliant (Shaun of the Dead) and some are awful (Zombie Cop), but fans of the genre are always willing to come back for more.
Fast Forward Weekly |
John Tebbutt |
10-30-2008 |
Navigating 'Frozen River'new

How far will a mother go to make a better life for her children? It's a question that the debut film by writer-director Courtney Hunt asks and attempts to answer in this remarkably textured and compelling story set close to the Canadian border in upstate New York.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Elizabeth Chorney-Booth |
10-30-2008 |
Arthur Kent Settles Score with Hollywoodnew
Calgary-based journalist and documentary filmmaker Arthur Kent has settled a lawsuit with the makers of the Tom Hanks film Charlie Wilson's War, but the terms of the settlement are confidential.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
09-25-2008 |