AltWeeklies Wire

Betting on Gratonnew

Newest casino targeting Bay Area residents promises to share the wealth with workers and people of color, but will it?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Yael Chanoff  |  11-07-2013  |  Race & Class

Let's Talk About Deathnew

Saying goodbye isn't easy, but it's an important part of life. We explore the Bay Area's evolving relationship with the end of life, from Boomer care and Death with Dignity to the "death midwives" movement.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steve Jones  |  11-01-2013  |  Culture

And Joysticks For Allnew

It's time to queer up video games, but it's not just about sexual orientation. Rebel game designers and academics in the tech industry's backyard are starting a discussion on representation in video games, calling for more women, more people of color, and more than the usual binary gender roles.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Joe Fitzgerald  |  10-24-2013  |  Video Games

Friends in the Shadowsnew

How developers, corporations, and city contractors buy influence in San Francisco City Hall.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rebecca Bowe  |  10-09-2013  |  Housing & Development

Bikes to Books: A literary bike tournew

San Francisco is famous for many things, one of which is its vast literary legacy, a legacy that stretches back to its earliest days. On October 2, 1988, 12 small streets scattered throughout the city were renamed for famous authors and artists who had lived in San Francisco, as proposed by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. 25 years later, we’ve devised a bike tour and interactive, multi-layered map connecting all 12 streets and authors, from Jack London to Jack Kerouac, South Park to North Beach. The tour itself is admittedly not for the faint of heart nor gear—these streets were not named because of their proximity to bike lanes— and there’s plenty of traffic to dodge, hills, one-way streets, and even a set of stairs to climb, but it’s still a diverting and unique way to celebrate both the literary and the adventurous spirit of San Francisco. Takes between two and three hours from start to finish, and lands you right in front of two very important literary landmarks: City Lights Bookstore and Vesuvio Café!
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Nicole Gluckstern and Burrito Justice  |  10-06-2013  |  Original Work

Project Censorednew

From whistleblowers and wealth gaps -- to the notion of journalistic objectivity, here's the news that didn't make the news.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez  |  10-02-2013  |  Media

Planning for Displacementnew

Regional planners want to put 280,000 more people into San Francisco — and they admit that many current residents will have to leave.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  06-04-2013  |  Housing & Development

Joyful Noisenew

'Tales of the San Francisco Cacophony Society' takes readers to the brink.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Nicole Gluckstern  |  05-24-2013  |  Nonfiction

Can SF Streetlights Spy on You?new

San Franciscans are in the dark about the city's plans for surveillance streetlights.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rebecca Bowe  |  01-17-2013  |  Civil Liberties

This Ain't a Wrapnew

This Ain't California, an unexpectedly controversial film about East German skaters, challenges the establishment in more ways than one.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Nicole Gluckstern  |  12-28-2012  |  Movies

Project Censored

The expanding police state tops the annual list of stories underreported by the mainstream media.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Yael Chanoff  |  10-10-2012  |  Media

On Utopian Frequenciesnew

The month-long Streetopia festival in San Francisco takes it to the streets with visual art, music, panels, workshops, ritual, community, and a bonus eclipse!
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Nicole Gluckstern  |  05-31-2012  |  Performance

C'est si bonnew

San Francisco's Des Voix theatre festival and playwright exchange acts locally, connects globally.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Nicole Gluckstern  |  05-31-2012  |  Theater

The Marriage Decision, For Better and For Worsenew

In the end, the ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals was very narrow. If you read the entire decision, it's not a sweeping affirmation of the legal rights of Americans to marry the person of their choice.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  02-07-2012  |  LGBT

Occupy Americanew

A proposal for the future of the Occupy movement.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones, Tim Redmond and Yael Chanoff  |  01-17-2012  |  #OCCUPY

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