AltWeeklies Wire
What is it About Romney That is So Objectionable?new
Romney obviously believes that businessmen are the highest kind of human beings.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
10-12-2012 |
Chasing Endeavournew

Here was this incredible device, a testimony to the liberating power of science, and what government can do when its power for good is unleashed. This is a contraption that wouldn’t exist without science and technology and the combined power of people’s collective will that in a democracy is called government.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
09-24-2012 |
Prosperity vs. Austerity Economicsnew
“Instead of the austerity agenda that we have now, focused on debt, this growth agenda is focused, really, on restoring broad-based economic growth and our democracy,” said Yale political scientist Jacob Hacker in a late-August teleconference.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
09-21-2012 |
How the Republican Brain Plays Defensenew
The Romney campaign disseminates so many lies that it’s impossible to keep track of them all.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
08-16-2012 |
Deficits and Democracy--The fallacy of balanced budgetsnew
Every Republican, from Mitt Romney on down is crying about the national debt, and the news media only amplifies the conservative mantra "the sky is falling" without ever putting it in historical perspective.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
07-13-2012 |
Tags: National Debt
ALEC Normalizes Corruption In Statehouses Across the Landnew
For almost four decades, the American Legislative Exchange Council, known by its acronym, “ALEC,” has worked hard on behalf of corporate America and right wing causes, helping to draft, build support for and pass laws through state legislatures across the nation—and doing so in relative anonymity, even as it skirts numerous state laws limiting corporate gift-giving and other forms of influence-peddling. It was never really clear why ALEC’s existence stayed such a secret, particularly since it wasn’t a secret. It’s just that, somehow, people seemed to ignore it, even though it wielded staggering amounts of power in legally questionable ways.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-01-2012 |
Why I Could Care Less About The L.A. Dodgersnew
The connection between fascism and sports.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
05-07-2012 |
Remembering Tiberiusnew

The tragedy of forgetting history.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
03-21-2012 |
Tags: Tiberius
Free Trade Doesn't Worknew
There's been something wrong in this land for several decades now--most people have been sensing that but haven't been able to put a name to it. Finally, economist Ian Fletcher wrote a book called, "Free Trade Doesn't Work" which pretty effectively says it all.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
02-13-2012 |
Thoughts On Steve Jobs, Capitalism, Cybernetics & Old Reactionary Bankersnew
I’ve never been a fan of capitalism, but Steve Jobs made that a difficult position to uphold.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
10-10-2011 |
An Insidious Pack Of Scoundrelsnew
The insidious pack of scoundrel running for President on the Republican side make it difficult for me to figure out if I should shit or go blind in the event Obama were defeated by one of them. On the one hand, it's clear that the smartest among them is John Huntsman. He's not an obvious scoundrel like a Perry or a Bachman. He is intelligent, and for that reason I hope he is not the candidate. He's the only one who would have a chance of successfully going head to head with Obama. Hopefully he won't be the Republican candidate, I guess, but then I get the chills. I used to think that Ronald Reagan was a man who could never be elected president. I was wrong.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
09-14-2011 |
Cycle of Deceit, Part 2 Huey’s Christian Agenda Shorts Facts and Jesusnew
In Part 1 of this story, we described how Republican candidate for the 36th Congressional District, Craig Huey promotes a circle of deceit with regard to economics and budget issues: He pumps up hysteria, which makes it easier to believe false or exaggerated claims, which in turn fuels further hysteria and the belief in even more false or exaggerated claims. We took on economics first, because it’s easier to nail down facts involving hard numbers, and thus make clear what Huey is doing. This issue, we turn our attention to Huey’s religious conservatism and related electoral activism.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-21-2011 |
The Fake On the Rightnew
Don’t be fooled or surprised by the tactics of the
unscrupulous who use false morality and deceit to gain
power for their own benefit.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
06-21-2011 |
Cycle of Deceit, Part 1— Questioning Craig Huey’s Made-Up Economic “Facts”new
On May 23, Random Lengths News contacted the Craig Huey’s 36th Congressonial District campaign, seeking a Wednesday interview. The initially promising response soon turned sour. The campaign deployed one excuse after another not to sit with the paper. “There were other interviews,” “there were campaign events,” and “there were fundraising calls.” Eventually, RLN was told the interview could not be done that week, which would make it impossible to run in this issue. One thing remained constant: The strong sense that there were questions we would ask, that Craig Huey did not want to answer—that he was afraid to face. We have posted the first half of those questions on our website, for readers to see and judge.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-21-2011 |
Tags: Elections
The “Opposable Thumb” Will Be Celebrated In Downtown Los Angelesnew

Whether it’s an incredible coincidence or something more, the class struggle between those who use their opposable thumbs to create wealth and those who own the means of production has come full circle.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
03-08-2011 |