AltWeeklies Wire

Inside the Head of Herman Edwardsnew

He's too conservative. He's too nice to his players. He keeps losing. And he certainly doesn't pray to win.
The Pitch  |  Eric Barton  |  11-27-2007  |  Sports

Retired NFL Players Face a Litany of Health Problemsnew

The battle-scarred tough guys of the past are now standing up to the league, demanding a better disability plan and pensions similar to those of Major League Baseball players.
The Pitch  |  Justin Kendall  |  09-19-2007  |  Sports

Boulevard Brewery Faces a Fight for Our Tapsnew

The Kansas City beer company has built a reputation on retraining taste buds -- but so far its newest product, Lunar, has made few fans.
The Pitch  |  Ben Paynter  |  08-07-2007  |  Food+Drink

How I Got Steamed on a Trip to the Air-conditioned Outdoor Mallnew

Last Tuesday around 1 p.m., with the temperature in the mid-80s and the humidity about that high, I took a cruise through the Plaza: I counted 20 stores with doors open and ACs blasting.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  07-17-2007  |  Commentary

There Can Only Be One Foam Sword Fighternew

Wielding a Nerf-like weapon, the Barbarian has never been beaten.
The Pitch  |  Ben Paynter  |  05-22-2007  |  Recreation

The Power of Cheesenew

Heidi Van Pelt was a 32-year-old vegan chef; Taran Noah Smith was the 17-year-old star of Home Improvement -- it was not a marriage made in heaven.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  05-01-2007  |  Culture

Ted Haggard Should Say 'Show Me'new

Dear Rev. Haggard: Missouri is clearly the best choice for a disgraced minister -- that's especially true for someone like you, who, despite your sordid history with a male prostitute, has recently discovered that you're "completely heterosexual."
The Pitch  |  Eric Barton  |  02-14-2007  |  Commentary

Hardcore at 52new

A veteran porn star opens her legs again in Kansas City.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  02-14-2007  |  Culture

A Modest Restnew

Buck O'Neil's last will shows that Kansas City's ambassador didn't live like a celebrity.
The Pitch  |  Eric Barton  |  01-09-2007  |  Sports

Balloon Watchingnew

Karaoke in Shawnee turns into a spectator sport, with ample cleavage and a suitor named Yammy.
The Pitch  |  Jen Chen  |  11-14-2006  |  Recreation

A Sugar Bingenew

This week, we take a break from eating real food and live off of candy instead.
The Pitch  |  Charles Ferruzza  |  11-13-2006  |  Food+Drink

Mihlfeld’s Cleannew

Update: Trainer Chris Mihlfeld did not push steroids.
The Pitch  |  Ben Paynter  |  10-17-2006  |  Sports

We're Puckednew

Seven big-league hockey and basketball teams have rejected Kansas City -- when the Sprint Center opens, will anyone love us?
The Pitch  |  Justin Kendall  |  09-12-2006  |  Sports

Made in Missourinew

Locally grown wine, pecans and produce have found a new friend.
The Pitch  |  Kristen Hinman  |  08-15-2006  |  Food+Drink

Money Shotnew

Too bombed last night to remember what happened? See your photos online.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  06-27-2006  |  Recreation

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