AltWeeklies Wire

Seven Unsexy Songs About Sexnew

With apologies to Big Black, here are seven songs about fucking that are unlikely to inspire any actual fucking.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  02-17-2009  |  Music

'Tonight: Franz Ferdinand'new

The Scottish quartet don’t tinker with the formula too drastically on Tonight: Franz Ferdinand. Good thinking.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  02-03-2009  |  Reviews

Mission Viejo Rapper Explores the Fake and Real OCsnew

Here is a local guy, most likely exposed to some of the hippest corners of the county, but seemingly perpetuating stereotypes I figured were a creation of embittered screenwriters and Bravo execs.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  02-03-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Best Tribute Bands to Never Existnew

What of the many acts that, for one reason or another, will never merit the tribute-band treatment? Let's travel to a thoroughly unhip parallel universe and check out the greatest tribute bands to (hopefully) never exist.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  01-13-2009  |  Music

'Day & Age' Might be the Best Killers Album Yetnew

If you can get past the clunky lyrics, there's a lot to like about the Killers, especially on their recently-released third album.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  12-09-2008  |  Reviews

Wonderlove is Back, with the Same Sound but Different Prioritiesnew

The celebrated Orange County band formed in 2000 and broke up in 2004; even though their music is hardly politically charged, there's some symmetry in the fact they're reuniting in 2008, on the cusp of a new national administration and near the close of a tulmultuous decade.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  11-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Travis' Sixth Album Introduces a Heavier Soundnew

The end result is an album that's good, but not great, and unlikely to move the needle on the band's evidently declining fan base.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  11-18-2008  |  Reviews

Shiny Toy Guns' Sophomore Album is Varied and Boringnew

It's clear that Shiny Toy Guns didn't want to simply make a soundtrack to sweaty nights on dance floors. Which is admirable from an artistic standpoint, sure. But that doesn't mean Season of Poison is any fun to listen to.
OC Weekly  |  Albert Ching  |  11-11-2008  |  Reviews

'Brass Knuckles' is Nelly's 'Thriller'new

Brass Knuckles shows an artist who, having been deemed irrelevant, has come back hungry, utilizing every name in his Rolodex and teaching himself some new tricks.
OC Weekly  |  Ben Westhoff  |  09-30-2008  |  Reviews

Why Southern Hip-Hop Is the Same as FOX Newsnew

Though FOX News and Southern rap both have anti-intellectual appeal, there's more to the story than that. Rather than simply pandering to the red-state masses, they have tapped into powerful populist sensibilities in areas that didn't previously have a national voice.
OC Weekly  |  Ben Westhoff  |  05-07-2008  |  Music

Manic Hispanic Coversnew

Americans recording Mexican songs: The bueno, the bad and the muy ugly.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  05-07-2008  |  Music

Emos, Mexico and Timbiriche's Sweet Nostalgia Tripnew

Part of me wants to condemn Timbiriche, a 1980s-era teen-pop group that reunited this year to tour across Mexico and its American territories. But there is much to enjoy about the band -- and I’m not just talking about the spicy señoritas.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  04-29-2008  |  Music

He's a Solar Mannew

Now Magic Lantern guitarist Cameron Stallones has struck out on his own with a solo album under the moniker Sun Araw.
OC Weekly  |  Dave Segal  |  03-04-2008  |  Reviews

A Gentler Autechrenew

On Quaristice, they occasionally veer into a more classically "beautiful" melodic mode; overall, the album's less rhythmically manic than their more recent releases.
OC Weekly  |  Dave Segal  |  03-04-2008  |  Reviews

Soul Kitchen Digs Deeper for Your Listening Pleasurenew

A handful of Ubiquity-ites are helming a new weekly showcase at Memphis Café in Costa Mesa called Soul Kitchen (the name aptly alludes to Memphis' Southern-comfort-food-laden menu).
OC Weekly  |  Dave Segal  |  01-29-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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