AltWeeklies Wire
Unnatural Disastersnew
The aftermath of the Dec. 26 earthquake and tsunami is a classic example of how humans can worsen natural disasters.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-05-2005 |
Tags: international
Costco: Company for the Peoplenew
If Wal-Mart represents red-state America's ruthless race to the bottom line, then Costco offers a blue-state alternative. The company is proving Wall Street wrong by adhering to a radical idea: Treating customers and employees right is good business.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
12-15-2004 |
Business & Labor
Tags: hottopic
Is Bush the Antichrist?new

A Seattle minister's contention that Dubya is doing the devil's work signals an apocalyptic battle between Christians right and left.
Seattle Weekly |
Tim Appelo |
12-09-2004 |
Tags: religion
HIV: Criminal Intentnew
Anthony Whitfield was recently convicted in Olympia, Wash., in one of the nation's worst HIV assault cases. But his prosecution raises serious questions about who is being charged with spreading the AIDS virus -- or not.
Seattle Weekly |
Mark D. Fefer |
11-30-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
'Go Boeing!'new
E-mails sent by Air Force and Boeing officials reveal the attitudes behind the decision-making.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
11-30-2004 |
Tags: war & peace
'Embarrassing Don'new
New Air Force e-mails released by Sen. John McCain throw light on the Boeing 767 tanker scandal.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
11-30-2004 |
Tags: war & peace
Lockheed Accuses Boeing of Racketeeringnew
In a Florida filing, Lockheed is seeking to discover expanded evidence of "overt acts" stemming principally from continuing U.S. investigations into the Boeing aerial-refueling-tanker lease deal. Lockheed maintains that incidents related to this and other cases show a 14-year "pattern" of illegal activity by Boeing.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
11-26-2004 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
How 9/11 Trumped the Anti-WTO Movementnew
In the shadow of 9/11, the days of 1999 seem positively innocent. Both sides in the anti-globalization debate have their dark, ugly underbellies, and the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, have made them very felt in our everyday lives.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Whatever Happened to Key WTO Protest Players?new
A where-are-they-now guide to the Mayor, the Chief, "Hippie Bitch" Forman and other important figures involved -- in one way or another -- with Seattle's WTO protests of 1999.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Why There Won't Be Another 'Seattle'new
As big a disaster as the WTO protests were for almost everyone involved, it was a watershed moment for police. Nowadays, whenever a city hosts a major meeting of the International Monetary Fund, say, Seattle Police Department officials hear from cops who are looking for ways to avoid the mistakes made in Seattle.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Seattle, Five Years After the WTO Protestsnew
Is this what failure looks like? Third World delegates have gridlocked the WTO but in the U.S. anti-globalization organizers have struggled to convert street heat into policy.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Psyched Outnew
AltWeeklies Award - Editorial Layout
Seattle Weekly |
Karen Steichen |
11-18-2004 |
Tags: media
One Nation, Under Menew
Before I begin, I have a simple request for the majority of voters in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Utah: Bend over.
Seattle Weekly |
Steve Wiecking |
11-10-2004 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Some Endorsements Just Don't Make Sensenew
If our American Empire is on the verge of collapse under Nero's reign, the paper of record has been fiddling while Rome burns. They've been covering for Bush by offering stories and analysis that present the administration as legitimate, mainstream, just like any other but with a Texas twang.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
10-20-2004 |
Tags: media
Citizen Microsoftnew
It's time Washington state stopped acquiescing to the behemoth in Redmond, because what's good for big business isn't necessarily good for the rest of us.
Seattle Weekly |
Jeff Reifman |
09-29-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues