AltWeeklies Wire

Breaking the Cycle of Homelessnessnew

It's expensive and time-consuming, but a court can help cure the hard-core homeless problem in San Francisco.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  08-08-2007  |  Policy Issues

Gate Keepersnew

The job cuts -- and the going-away parties -- at the San Francisco Chronicle appear to be done with for now.
SF Weekly  |  Will Harper  |  07-25-2007  |  Media

The View from Jimmy Page's Pantsnew

Groupies claim their 15 minutes.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  07-25-2007  |  Music

Is Mayor Gavin Newsom's Biggest Threat a Clown?new

A 41-year-old clown and substitute teacher is trying to collect the nearly 10,000 signatures he needs to file the nomination paperwork.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Smiley  |  07-25-2007  |  Politics

The Same Shellac, Perhaps More Thrown Togethernew

Excellent Italian Greyhound often pushes the limits of what any non-fan would deem listenable -- then again, maybe that's the point.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Stroud  |  07-25-2007  |  Reviews

Wheelchairs of Fortunenew

Attorney Tom Frankovich and his disabled clients sue small businesses to make them accessible -- and make millions.
SF Weekly  |  Ron Russell  |  07-25-2007  |  Business & Labor

Corporate Pollution Absolutionnew

Planktos is dumping questionable materials into the ocean so that you can buy forgiveness in the form of carbon credits.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  07-18-2007  |  Environment

Who Killed Hugues de la Plaza?new

His parents are so frustrated with seeking the answer that they want to bring investigators from France into the case.
SF Weekly  |  Mary Spicuzza  |  07-18-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Indie Rockers Take a Page from the Classic Rock Playbooknew

Album revivalists score with the indie geeks, as summer album-specific shows by Sonic Youth, the Melvins and Slint prove.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  07-18-2007  |  Music

California's Attorney Privilegenew

The state bar is supposed to punish dishonest attorneys -- instead, it too often coddles them.
SF Weekly  |  Martin Kuz  |  07-18-2007  |  Crime & Justice


We found it amusing to see love-deprived boys using the iPhone as date-bait on Craigslist the week the new gadget came out -- so we played along.
SF Weekly  |  Will Harper  |  07-11-2007  |  Tech

Profits for Developers Initiativenew

San Franciscans should take a closer look at this truly awful measure funded by Don Fisher before signing on.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  07-11-2007  |  Commentary

Girl/Boy Interruptednew

A new treatment for transgender kids puts puberty on hold so that they won't develop into their biological sex.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Smiley  |  07-11-2007  |  Sex

Dark Payola Emergesnew

"Direct licensing" is the new threat to webcasting's meritocracy of music.
SF Weekly  |  David Downs  |  06-27-2007  |  Media

Willy Vlautin Attempts the Great Escapenew

The frontman for Richmond Fontaine has turned three years as a touring musician and 10 years working for a trucking company into a literary device with his debut novel.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  06-27-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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