AltWeeklies Wire

Emo for Jesusnew

How emerging Christians will bring Boston back to God.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  04-04-2007  |  Religion

The Undiscovered Countrynew

Having no label telling them when and how to put out records and no money to spend on coke and laser light shows, Drag the River is happily stuck in a rut of recording cheap and fast and touring cheap and fast.
Dig Boston  |  Jed Gottlieb  |  03-28-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Will Ferrell's Latest Stinks on Icenew

Blades of Glory is basically the same movie he's been making for years, and yet, I found myself laughing many, many times. So who's the idiot here, me or Ferrell?
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  03-28-2007  |  Reviews

Lethem is More Emo Than Younew

Especially coming after the arresting, atmospheric Motherless Brooklyn and the genuinely great coming-of-age story The Fortress of Solitude, Lethem's latest feels irksomely insubstantial -- but I can't write it off completely.
Dig Boston  |  Stewart Mason  |  03-28-2007  |  Fiction

Mark Wahlberg Has Departed from Quality Actingnew

One thing is for sure: This genre film puts him in no danger of getting his Oscar hopes up again.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  03-21-2007  |  Reviews

John Malkovich Runs Out of Crayonsnew

There's no question that heavy-duty Acting is underway, but Malkovich's instructions from his director seem to be the dramatic equivalent of saying, "Take it away, Yngwie" -- there's some pretty impressive fingerwork, but it doesn't really amount to much.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Braiotta  |  03-21-2007  |  Reviews

It's Official: Halliburton to Build its Own Neverland Ranch in Dubainew

Let's hope their chief executive, Dave Lesar, really does it up, Liberace-style.
Dig Boston  |  Cintra Wilson  |  03-21-2007  |  Comedy

Are Big Milk Processors Wiping Out Dairy Farmers?new

It's an Emoooooogency!!!
Dig Boston  |  Lissa Harris  |  03-21-2007  |  Business & Labor

From Azure to Bluenew

When Taylor tells you that music has been her life's only passion, it's easy to believe.
Dig Boston  |  Chase Stauffer  |  03-14-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

French Ticklersnew

Probing the cast of Exterminating Angels.
Dig Boston  |  Martin Tsai  |  03-14-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

I Think This Movie Blowsnew

Was watching this movie really any better than staring at a blank wall for an hour and a half?
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  03-14-2007  |  Reviews

Barbers Are Red Over Blue Lawsnew

A working stiff now has to endure his razor-stropping without State Street Barbers' complimentary bottle of beer, because the Commonwealth's Board of Registration of Barbers has just put the kibosh on barbershop alcohol.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  03-14-2007  |  Policy Issues

On Barack Obama and Blacknessnew

Black voters haven't quite joined Obama for President because, more than anyone else, they know America can't handle a black president.
Dig Boston  |  Baratunde Thurston  |  03-14-2007  |  Commentary

The Future of Cities: Building Greennew

Boston's new green zoning code makes big promises -- can it deliver?
Dig Boston  |  Lissa Harris  |  03-14-2007  |  Housing & Development

Quackle: Brute Force Scrabblenew

The world's best Scrabble player lives at MIT, but he's not human.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  03-07-2007  |  Tech

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