AltWeeklies Wire

Surprisingly, Game Onnew

Video games are as susceptible as any medium to the winter doldrums. The year 2005 is different. Never before have we seen a glut of top-shelf titles so soon after Christmas.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  02-28-2005  |  Video Games

Fallen Star: A Schizophrenic Star Fox Disappointsnew

Star Fox: Assault is baffling -- a game that seeks to undermine itself at every turn. Those aspects of the game based solely upon the franchise's rail-shooter roots can be almost deliriously fun; as for nearly everything else, well, how many synonyms are there for "disaster"?
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  02-28-2005  |  Video Games

The Beautiful Letdown: Black Monday Gets Away from Storynew

Much like its predecessor, Black Monday has been getting panned by critics and gamers alike. Unfortunately, this time I tend to agree with the masses.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jim Murray  |  02-08-2005  |  Video Games

Permanent Resident: Resident Evil 4 is an Instant Classicnew

Resident Evil 4, the first true sequel in the series since 1999's Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, is not only the best survival horror game ever made -- it completely reinvents the form.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  01-21-2005  |  Video Games

Choose Your Own Adventure: Knights of the Old Republic IInew

The whole "choose your own adventure" theme that made the first KOTOR so amazing is back again for The Sith Lords, and it really makes you feel like your actions can have serious consequences, one way or another.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jim Murray and Aaron Solomon  |  01-03-2005  |  Video Games

Two Princes: Prince of Persia: Warrior Withinnew

The rushed-to-market sequel Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is a darker, self-consciously edgier take on the franchise, and a step in the wrong direction.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  01-03-2005  |  Video Games

The Homecoming of a Radio Flyernew

Tamara Wieder's Q&A with BBC correspondent and native Bostonian Jeb Sharp, who is bringing world news home after years of jetting to overseas trouble spots.
Boston Phoenix  |  Tamara Wieder  |  10-22-2004  |  Media

Fall Farenew

Rake in the flavors of fall with comfort-food cookbooks.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ruth Tobias  |  10-08-2004  |  Food+Drink

It Came from the Basementnew

The most intense music scene in Boston lives in the neighborhood cellars.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  10-05-2004  |  Recreation

God's Instant Messengernew

Even Muqtada al-Sadr uses text-message technology.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Wright  |  08-26-2004  |  Comedy

A Tribute to Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1908–2004new

Cartier-Bresson, who died on Aug. 3 at age 95, set a demanding standard for photojournalists -- an approach that required them to recognize and define content, composition, purpose, lighting, nuance and photography’s mechanical technicalities as a coherent whole in an instant.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  08-16-2004  |  Art

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