AltWeeklies Wire

San Francisco Makes History with Successful Case for Marriage Equalitynew

Less than two hours after the California Supreme Court announced its 4-3 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, San Francisco City Hall filled with smiling couples and local politicians of various ideological stripes to celebrate the city's central role in achieving the most significant civil rights advance in a generation.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  05-22-2008  |  LGBT

'Flowers' for Kathleen Edwardsnew

Edwards has bubbled under since her 2003 debut, widely celebrated by music cognoscenti with reliable ears. But her world-weary folkie moves reminded me of Lucinda Williams and other sepia-tone, anachronist comers of the period. With Asking for Flowers, she has finally distinguished herself from much of alt-country's fringe-fetish ghetto.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kandia Crazy Horse  |  05-14-2008  |  Reviews

Is 'Grand Theft Auto IV' Video Jesus?new

Not quite. Still, by any reasonable standard, it's an incredible game, taking the hallowed legacy of the previous GTA games, striving to be bigger and better, and mostly succeeding.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Ben Richardson  |  05-14-2008  |  Video Games

Inside the Internet Dystopianew

Increasing constraints on freedom to innovate with technology cloud the web's future, as Jonathan Zittrain points out his the new book The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  05-14-2008  |  Tech

'Battle for Haditha' is Iraq Fiction Worth Seeingnew

A rare dramatic film from veteran documentarian Nick Broomfield, this film's final outcry of grief, vengeance, and injustice is a terrifying illustration of how badly we've bungled -- by creating new terrorists in attempting to eradicate established ones.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Dennis Harvey  |  05-14-2008  |  Reviews

Why is San Fran Falling Behind Other Cities on Bike Safety and Visibilty?new

The city still has a higher per-capita rate of bicycle use than any major city in the U.S., and that number has been steadily rising in recent years, even as construction of new bike facilities has stalled. Yet there are still political barriers to overcome in a city where cars are the dominant transportation option -- and the first barrier is Mayor Gavin Newsom.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  05-14-2008  |  Transportation

The Obligatory Video Game Outrage Over 'Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City'new

If it were a movie, it would have been directed by Martin Scorsese or David O. Russell, and we'd all be ooohing and aaahhing over its dark, ironic vision of immigrant life in a world at war with itself. But because Liberty City is a video game, where players are in the driver's seat, so to speak, it freaks people out.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  05-08-2008  |  Video Games

Is Jeremiah Wright the New Gennifer Flowers?new

What if the Obama campaign not only knew what Wright was going to do, but quietly approved of it?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  05-08-2008  |  Commentary

Janelle Monae Seems Like the Freak of Every Weeknew

Less the "black Bjork" than heir to Arthur Lee's black rock throne, Janelle Monae preps for blastoff.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kandia Crazy Horse  |  05-08-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Trainspotting America with James Benning's 'RR'new

Barring a change of mind or circumstance, the masterful RR will be the last of Benning's works shot on 16mm, and how fitting that this 37-year phase closes with the image of a locomotive, pointedly stopped in front of a wind farm outside of Palm Springs, scrapped tires lying in the foreground, the end in a line of 43 trains shot across the United States.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Mark Peranson  |  05-08-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Union Shuts Down West Coast Ports, But Media Misses the Historic Storynew

Workers, students, immigrants, and antiwar activists came together on May Day in San Francisco, but it was hard to tell from the next day's mainstream media coverage, which adopted its usual cynical view of the growing movement to end the Iraq War. Sure, there were articles, but each missed the main point: this was the first time in American history that such a massive job action was called to protest a war.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones and Amanda Witherell  |  05-08-2008  |  Business & Labor

Strap Yourself In for the Summer Movie Blitznew

Must be summer -- every movie I want to see in the next three months is either a sequel, a superhero movie, or a superhero movie sequel.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  04-30-2008  |  Movies

Berkeley's Morning Benders Hark Back to the Glory of '60s Songwritingnew

The quartet's debut, Talking Through Tin Cans, chronicles the highs and lows of young romance in exuberant three-minute bursts bubbling with guitar jangles and winsome harmonies.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Todd Lavoie  |  04-30-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

It's Easy for Mobs to Crush Free Expression On the Webnew

Thanks to new, collaborative, social media networks, it's easier than ever for people to get together and destroy freedom of expression. They're going DIY from the bottom up -- instead of the way old-school censors used to do it, from the top down. Call it user-generated censorship.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  04-30-2008  |  Tech

If Green is the New Black, Eco-Populism is the New Environmentalismnew

There's good reason to be excited about capitalists pouring money into saving the planet. But is it really the panacea that true believers say it is?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Vanessa Carr  |  04-30-2008  |  Environment

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