AltWeeklies Wire
Is Twitter Driving the Ongoing Political Crisis in Iran?new
If the question seems premature, that's because it is: we still don't know how the unrest that followed Iran's contested June 12 presidential election is going to end. But it's already being debated.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
06-24-2009 |
It's Time Obama Moved Vigorously to Advance Gay and Lesbian Rightsnew
If you are gay or lesbian, or if you care about realizing social justice, you must be wondering when Obama is going to turn his attention to the fact that one in 10 of the nation's more than 230 million adults are second-class citizens.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
06-24-2009 |
Tags: Barack Obama, same-sex marriage
How Cheap, Mass-Produced Food Is Killing Our Environment, Our Economy — and Usnew
The food we eat today is making us fat. It's making us sick. And the vast, government-subsidized system of agribusiness and mechanized corporate food production is inefficient and unsustainable, slowly ruining our environment, our economy, and our culture.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
06-24-2009 |
The Iranian Uprising: Tiananmen 2.0?new

It took several weeks for the demonstrations in Tianamen Square to elicit international attention in 1989. Today, as hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in Iran, we are marveling at the new tools of social networking and political orchestration.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Kadzis |
06-18-2009 |
Who's Living Beyond Their Means?new
In many sectors, it seems money has been poured down the drain. Yet in Boston's glitziest watering holes, people are pouring $14 drinks down their throats like there's no tomorrow.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
06-18-2009 |
P.J. O'Rourke Talks Cars, 'Driving'new
Driving like Crazy is travel writing in the classic tradition of Robert Byron.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Kadzis |
06-18-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Dale Bozzio Appeals Jail Sentence, Goes on Tournew
The bizarre animal-cruelty case of Missing Persons frontwoman Dale Bozzio is far from over.
Boston Phoenix |
Ashley Rigazio |
06-18-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Federal Judge Recognizes More Rights for the Unbornnew
Following the tragic shooting in Kansas last month, pro-choice advocates have been dealt another disheartening setback: a federal judge in Bangor, Maine, has recognized a new right of fetuses that could become a key element in the nation's ongoing abortion debate.
Boston Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
06-10-2009 |
Harvard's UFOlogistnew
A visit to the site of an alien sighting in Zimbabwe prompted Harvard Medical School psychiatrist John E. Mack's life-long interest in UFOlogy. It was work that didn't sit particularly well with many of his colleagues.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
06-10-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
The New York Times Co.'s Baffling 'Globe' Strategynew

On Monday, the Boston Newspaper Guild rejected the Times Co.'s latest contract offer, paving the way for a protracted legal fight. Given the razor-thin margin of defeat, a bit of artful suasion on the part of the Times Co. could have reversed the outcome. Instead, it actually seemed intent on not getting to yes.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
06-10-2009 |
The Best in Summer Readingnew
Hot town, summer in the city ... or in the country ... or at the beach. Wherever you are, don't forget your books. Here's the latest from Thomas Pynchon, a restored edition of Ernest Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, and much, much more.
Boston Phoenix |
Barbara Hoffert |
06-10-2009 |
Dirty Projectors Make Their Masterpiecenew
Blogs, webzines, and internet radio sites aplenty have been touting Bitte Orca as "album of the year" and an artistic and commercial breakthrough of OK Computer proportions. It's a lot to live up to and the band admits that a bit of self-doubt has crept in.
Boston Phoenix |
Michael Alan Goldberg |
06-10-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
A Celebration of Masturbationnew
May was National Masturbation Month. To observe this month of jerk-off joy, Boston Phoenix has collected some esoteric orgasm info to help intellectually enhance your solo sex time.
Boston Phoenix |
Your Secret Admirer |
06-04-2009 |
Right-Wing Terror: The Murder of Dr. George Tillernew
Is the murder of abortion doctor George Tiller in Kansas the start of a new anti-choice terror campaign?
Boston Phoenix |
Boston Phoenix |
06-03-2009 |
Tags: George Tiller, Abortion
The GOP's Female Troublenew

What if a party has no women (or virtually none of national prominence) in elective office? For today's Republican Party, we've been seeing the answer unfold in the weeks since President Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court.
Boston Phoenix |
David Bernstein |
06-03-2009 |
Tags: women, Republican Party