AltWeeklies Wire

News Corp Dumps Fox Affiliatesnew

Two Denver Fox affiliates recently sold off by Rupert Murdoch are now enjoying their greatest success to date.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Tony Krupicka Takes Ultrarunning to New Extremesnew

He ran his first marathon when he was twelve, and has since racked up close to 40,000 miles, all of it meticulously recorded in his journals or his blog. Last year he ran 5,412 miles, for an average of 104 miles a week -- but that's not quite right, since he was sidelined for almost five months of 2007 with two major injuries.
Westword  |  Alan Prendergast  |  04-14-2008  |  Sports

Blitzen Trapper Keeps It Shortnew

Brevity is a strong suit for the frontman of this Portland band.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-14-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Univ. of Colorado's 'Campus Press' Fights for Independencenew

A contentious faculty meeting points to independence for Boulder's student newspaper -- but at what cost?
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-14-2008  |  Media

Deconstructing the DNA of a Pulitzer Finalistnew

Critics raise questions regarding an impressive Denver Post series shortly after it's named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-07-2008  |  Media

The Swayback Raises the Barnew

Long Gone Lads, this trio's long-awaited album, is a painstaking work of art.
Westword  |  Dave Herrera  |  04-07-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Waking Up Daniel Johnstonnew

The tales of this singer-songwriter's idiosyncracies are not exaggerated.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-07-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Target Practice: Racism & Police Shootings Are No Gamenew

Are Denver cops trigger-happy for minorities? A video game might hold the answer.
Westword  |  Jared Jacang Maher  |  04-07-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Vampire Weekend Takes on Its Buzznew

Hot on the heels of SXSW, the nation's hottest buzz band returns to Denver.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  03-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Serj Tankian Goes His Own Waynew

Even on his own, the System of a Down frontman bucks the system.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  03-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Latest Disc Will Only Enhance Snoop's Increasingly Cuddly Imagenew

Thanks to his charming obliviousness, he generally gets away with lyrics and arrangements that range from timeworn to ridiculous.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  03-24-2008  |  Reviews

The Good Soldiernew

When the Army tried to take down Andrew Pogany, it messed with the wrong coward.
Westword  |  Joel Warner  |  03-24-2008  |  War

DeVotchKa's Hybridnew

When music-industry experts advise fledgling musicians how to achieve success, few probably suggest developing a weird blend of rock, pop and exotic folk music.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  03-18-2008  |  Reviews

Hot Chip Flirt with Campinessnew

Alexis Taylor and the rest of the Hot Chip crew are so devoted to dis-playing their intelligence and cheek that the band's electro-pop shenanigans can seem positively exhausting at times.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  03-18-2008  |  Reviews

Say Hi to Something Newnew

Eric Elbogen sets the record straight.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  03-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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