AltWeeklies Wire
The Guy Who Invented Firenew
Shellac's Steve Albini discusses horse meat, recording and Uzeda's new album.
LEO Weekly |
Jason Noble |
08-29-2006 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Steve Albini
The Future of Public Housing?new
Gentrification and the revamping of public housing are certainly related, and they form the crux of a civic story that's been playing out nationally for a while now -- Louisville has gotten a taste with Park DuValle and the new Liberty Green.
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
08-21-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Smart Is As Smart Doesnew
Reality says we may want to change our land use policies before it's too late -- but how?
LEO Weekly |
Cary Stemle |
08-14-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Truth and Consequencesnew
Anne Shelby thinks differently than most of Clay country; it hasn't killed her -- yet.
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
08-07-2006 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tubing on the Alaskan’s Pipelinenew
How is a feckless U.S. senator running interference for Big Media?
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
07-31-2006 |
Tags: net, neutrality
Therapy of Notenew
A spoonful of music helps the medicine go down, so to speak.
LEO Weekly |
Cary Stemle |
07-24-2006 |
Tags: Health & Science
Forced Restartnew
Many big music business institutions, which traditionally would have every reason in the world to support new music technology, have presented themselves as computer-fearing Luddites with zero grasp of public perception.
LEO Weekly |
Jason Noble |
07-24-2006 |
Bye, Bye Birdie?new
A House subcommittee has proposed cutting nearly $100 million from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's budget.
LEO Weekly |
Elizabeth Kramer |
06-26-2006 |
Moved by the Mountainnew
Erik Reece discusses mountaintop removal mining and the book he's working on now, which seeks to cope with the spiritual and religious aspects of Eastern Kentucky culture, and in particular how they relate to coal mining.
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
06-23-2006 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Erik Reece, Lost Mountain
Haire Apparentnew
Darrell Haire helped the Jockeys' Guild avert disaster -- now he'd like the job full time.
LEO Weekly |
Rick Redding |
06-12-2006 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Give Peace a Chancenew
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is sending 25 people on a mission to Iran to change perceptions.
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
05-15-2006 |
Tags: War on terror, Iran
Talkin' 'Bout a Revolutionnew
Markos Moulitsas discusses the new grassroots.
LEO Weekly |
Marty Rosen |
05-15-2006 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Prescience Is as Prescience Doesnew

Kevin Phillips has been right for a long time now.
LEO Weekly |
Marty Rosen |
04-24-2006 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: American Theocracy, Kevin Phillips
Queer Logicnew
Does Gov. Ernie Fletcher hate gay people?
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
04-24-2006 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Are We Really Better Off?new
When it comes to the Bush Administration the proverbial light bulb should have switched on long ago.
LEO Weekly |
CD Kaplan |
04-17-2006 |
Tags: George W. Bush, Republicans