AltWeeklies Wire

Hannity is Irked by Tea Partiersnew

Sean Hannity has nothing but disdain for the Tea Party's No. 1 goal: to vote all the bums out, Democrat and Republican alike. Hannity wants to keep those bums in power, as long as they're members of the GOP and their last name isn't Paul.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  04-14-2010  |  Politics

The Big Prize and The Art of Compromisenew

It was always the hold-your-breath moment on the old Let's Make a Deal: After turning away a big pile of cash and a nice-enough dining room set, a housewife gets a goat. When it comes to political movements, there's rarely much talk about what happens when you commit to the mystery prize.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-24-2010  |  Commentary

Consultants Aid City Council Candidates: Winners Paid Thousands for Helpnew

In a run off for a seat on Charleston City Council, Ginger Rosenberg spent $2,146 — most of it went to stamps and FedExKinkos. Her opponent, Dean Riegel, spent $3,600 — all of it to consultants. Guess who won.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-17-2010  |  Politics

New Symbols of Fortune and Doom in South Carolina Politicsnew

There are historical symbols of good and bad luck, from the albatross to the lucky thong, but the past year has offered a handful of new trinkets that spell either good fortune or doom for South Carolina politicians.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-10-2010  |  Politics

Revisiting South Carolina's Political Dynastiesnew

We did a story last spring following Carroll Campbell's early challenge to Congressman Henry Brown, looking at the electoral fortunes of the sons of South Carolina's political dynasties. With Paul Thurmond now weighing a congressional run, we thought we'd revisit the piece.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-06-2010  |  Commentary

Gov. Sanford & the Dos and Don'ts of Making Over a Ruined Reputationnew

We assembled a sort of pro bono crisis management team to determine what image is really worth and whether or not a tarnished reputation like Sanford's can be fixed.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kinsey Labberton  |  09-30-2009  |  Politics

Conservatives Need to Leave Afghanistan & the Neocons Behindnew

Now is the time to make the case that American soldiers shouldn't be the world's policeman, liberal utopianism is not sound foreign policy, and nation-building is not conservative. George Will has and serious conservatives should follow suit.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  09-09-2009  |  Commentary

Why Isn't the South Carolina Legislature Investigating Gov. Mark Sanford?new

Granted, the State Ethics Commission has ordered a review of Sanford's travel records. But some are still calling for legislative action, questioning the ability of a commission overseen by the governor to turn in an objective analysis.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  08-19-2009  |  Politics

No Lie is Too Big in the War Against Health Care Reformnew

I don't know of any peacetime campaign that has relied as extensively on lies, deceit, obfuscation, and fear as the Republican campaign to defeat healthcare reform in this country.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  08-19-2009  |  Commentary

The Sanford Scandal: The Political Winners and Losersnew

As dust settles on the mountainous trails of metropolitan Buenos Aires, we take a look at who benefits and who loses out in the Mark Sanford scandal.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  07-22-2009  |  Commentary

Mark Sanford Turns to God in Sex Scandal Crisisnew

It's hard to say what part of it is a politically motivated attempt to strike a sympathetic chord with evangelical constituents and what is legitimately coming from Sanford's strong religious background. Either way, his faith is a double-edged sword, giving sincerity to his apologies, but also highlighting his hypocrisy.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  07-08-2009  |  Politics

Mark Sanford Must Gonew

The governor's true sin was being an idiot.
Charleston City Paper  |  Staff  |  07-01-2009  |  Commentary

Sanford's Story is the Greatest Since Secessionnew

South Carolina falls victim to another huckster.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  07-01-2009  |  Commentary

Sanford Biopic 'The Earth Moved' is a Sexy Affairnew

Not only can Twitter topple regimes and replace newspapers, but it can see into the future. And thanks to Twitter, we now have a review of The Earth Moved, a sexy film about the love affair between S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford and his soulmate Maria.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  07-01-2009  |  Commentary

Mark Sanford: The Conservative Hero That Could Have Beennew

When Gov. Mark Sanford went disappeared last week, I wasn't worried about it, knowing that he was one of the few politicians who would never let me down. Then Sanford was "found," and I was let down.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  07-01-2009  |  Commentary

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