AltWeeklies Wire

Don Becker's Last Stand-Upnew

Denver mourns the loss of its favorite one-armed, bipolar comic/poet/playwright.
Westword  |  Adam Cayton-Holland  |  06-23-2008  |  Culture

DNC Protest Groups Splinter as They Prepare for Denvernew

The knot of protesters organizing around the Democratic National Convention got a lot more tangled when a coalition of progressive groups formally presented itself as the Alliance for Real Democracy. This move deepened a division that started in May, when pacifist-leaning activist organizations and those with a more radical bent could not reach agreement on language within a "Statement of Non-Violence."
Westword  |  Jared Jacang Maher  |  06-23-2008  |  Politics

Mates of State Satisfy with More Catchy Cutsnew

For the most part brushing aside the experimental flourishes that informed some of their earlier work, here the two instead focus on what they do best, setting oft-devastating lyrics to electric-organ- and drum-based tunes.
Westword  |  Ben Westhoff  |  06-17-2008  |  Reviews

Girl Named Kyle Needs Some More Buildingnew

No, the world hasn't been waiting for another folkish band fronted by a precocious, big-voiced singer, and the familiar nature of the strummier material on Let's Build doesn't help separate Girl Named Kyle from the pack.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-17-2008  |  Reviews

Silver Jews Pair Simple Melodies with Complex Lyricsnew

Even after trading chemical dependency for religion, David Berman remains a deadpan wit of charm and skill, as he demonstrates on Lookout, the first Silver Jews record made without assistance from Berman's longtime cohort, Pavement leader Stephen Malkmus.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-17-2008  |  Reviews

Denver's Music Scene Deserves to be Heardnew

In the sober light of day, Denver is indeed more than just the Fray — or any of the other acts that have been called up to the majors. We're elated for and proud of those bands that have graduated, of course, but to pin all of our aspirations on them is more than a bit shortsighted.
Westword  |  Dave Herrera  |  06-17-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Should Talk-Show Hosts Who Tackle Ethnic Issues be Accused of Racism?new

Over time, the mainstream press has tended to treat race as the Great Unmentionable -- a topic so likely to stir anti-intellectual passions that it's to be avoided at all cost -- and throughout his campaign, Obama has followed suit, doing his best to usher the electorate into a post-racial era. But that's easier said than done.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-17-2008  |  Media

Erykah Badu Makes Statements, Not Singlesnew

"Artists work so hard to create these projects," she says. "They're not meant to be 99 cents per track. They're meant to be listened to back to back. That's how I create them."
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-03-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Shlock Value: Dem Gear for Salenew

Democratic National Convention souvenirs are now on sale, where the enthusiastic blue-stater can score everything from a $48 Denver 2008 hoodie to a $9 keychain to a $3 recycled (gag) green Frisbee. But if you're looking for something a little different, there are alternatives.
Westword  |  Staff  |  06-02-2008  |  Shopping

What Happens to the Mentally Ill in the Justice System is Just Crazynew

In Colorado, gaping holes in the so-called safety net have made police, courts and emergency rooms the first and last line of contact with people who may be a danger to themselves or others. Too often, the care they receive is perfunctory -- a 72-hour crisis hold, a few pills, a referral to a mental-health center -- with little or no followup.
Westword  |  Alan Prendergast  |  06-02-2008  |  Crime & Justice

The Roots Get Heavynew

Thematically, it's heavier than Jared Fogle before he realized how much money he could make crediting his weight loss to sandwiches.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-19-2008  |  Reviews

Juggalos Band Together at Primosnew

Meet the Insane Clown Posse fans who united Denver's hatchet-wielding, Faygo-loving family.
Westword  |  Jessica Centers  |  05-19-2008  |  Culture

Tale of a Daily Newspaper Odd Couplenew

Two Colorado newspapers that were once mortal enemies -- Boulder's Colorado Daily and Daily Camera -- make plans to cohabit.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-19-2008  |  Media

Death Cab for Cutie Already Made This Albumnew

Narrow Stairs sounds just like Plans, right down to the obvious production, weepy lyrics and inoffensive guitar, continuing Death Cab's tradition of aping Morrissey lyrics without Moz's counterintuitive turns of phrase or dark jokes.
Westword  |  Ben Westhoff  |  05-12-2008  |  Reviews

Be Your Own Pet Makes the Suits Nervousnew

Punk used to be dangerous. Now it's neutered and sanitized for our listening pleasure.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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