AltWeeklies Wire
Exploding Hearts 4Evernew

10 years ago, a car crash wiped out Portland’s biggest punk band. Finally, the sole survivor tells all.
Willamette Week |
Emilee Booher |
03-28-2013 |
Tags: Exploding Hearts

Walking in the complicated shadows of Elvis Costello's storied past.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
04-13-2012 |
The Thermals Write An Olympic Anthemnew

Well, isn’t this good timing. Just three days before the Winter Olympics start in Vancouver, BC, everyone’s favorite punk band the Thermals have penned an ode to the land of hockey, poutine, and mounties.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
02-10-2010 |
Watch Wieden+Kennedy's Portland Music Documentarynew
Anytime you make a documentary on the Portland music scene, a few common topics are brought up. Portland is cheap. Portland has lots of basements. Portland is creative. And, of course, the biggie: it rains ALL THE TIME. But there are a lot of stories that haven’t been told.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
12-09-2009 |
Can Portland Provide Fair Wages for Working Musicians?new

The concept of "fair trade" for music has been bandied about in Portland for a couple years, but the movement is now starting discussions with clubs in hopes of setting a fair wage for all performing musicians, whether they be union or non-union workers.
Willamette Week |
Amanda Ingram |
09-30-2009 |
Why is Modest Mouse Frontman Isaac Brock Starting from Scratch With Obscure Portland Bands?new

Brock, 34, acknowledges that his new role as an indie label kingpin is a departure, though he's quick to add that he's always been interested in the business side of music.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
09-16-2009 |
How Brent Knopf Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Songnew

Under the moniker Ramona Falls, Knopf has created an eclectic collection of avant-pop songs that, on the surface, sound similar to his work with Menomena.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
08-26-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Mudhoney Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary With a Pub Crawlnew
While grunge died in the ’90s, Mudhoney lives on, adding subtle melodic elements to its arsenal but never gunning for a more commercially viable sound.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
02-04-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Portland Experimentalist Finds Inspiration at the Skating Rinknew

Portland musician Ethan Rose is a geek for antiquated instruments. His latest effort is made chiefly from an 86-year-old Wurlitzer organ at Oaks Park Skating Rink.
Willamette Week |
Robert Ham |
01-21-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Cajun Gems' Ben Whitesides Has a Long History of Bright Futuresnew
Amid false rumors of the Joggers' breakup, Whitesides recently began focusing on the Cajun Gems for the first time in years. Armed with a huge batch of songs, built from "days' worth of riffs and rifflettes" on his computer, Whitesides is now readying tracks for both the Joggers and the Cajun Gems.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
12-17-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Longtime Portland MC Mic Censhaw Finally Makes a Solo Standnew
Sure, his name is in the liner notes for experimental hip-hop projects Hungry Mob and Suckapunch, and more traditional beats-and-ryhmes duo the Cleveland Steamers, but Thinking Out Loud is the first full-length album the MC has ever released under his own name.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
11-12-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Blue Horns' Attention Span is Short; Its Songs are Even Shorternew
The band's self-titled debut, out this week, is full of catchy, throwback rock; at eight songs and just over 30 minutes, it's sequenced like the vintage LPs the band reveres.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
11-12-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Portland, Blue Horns
Grey Anne's Debut Sparklesnew
Anne Adams is sort of the Cinderella of the Portland music scene. She's a fascinating and mercurial personality, as direct and sharp in person as she is charming and personable when she performs.
Willamette Week |
Brandon Seifert |
11-05-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Soundtracking Change This Election Daynew

As the world awaits the results of the most important presidential election in, oh, 40 years, we've put together a playlist with song selections from some of Portland's finest musicians of tracks to listen to on Election Tuesday.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
10-29-2008 |
Jared Mees' Songs Have Humble Beginnings, But Grand Finalesnew
Mees' songs grow out of the hook, but sheer viral catchiness isn't what he seeks from them: He wants songs you relate to right off the bat.
Willamette Week |
Brandon Seifert |
10-01-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews