AltWeeklies Wire

Dan Savage Challenges Conservative Politician to Suck His Dicknew

Sex columnist Dan Savage has offered a Conservative politician a chance to put his mouth where his beliefs are.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  05-25-2011  |  LGBT

Where Are the Egyptians When Libya Needs Them?new

The collapse of the democratic revolution in Libya will gravely damage the prospects of the “Arab spring” elsewhere. Rulers in other Arab countries where the army is also largely made up of foreign mercenaries, will conclude that they can safely kill enough of their own protesters to “restore order”.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  03-14-2011  |  International

Religion Clouds Aid In Afghanistannew

The former head of Canada’s aid program in Afghanistan has expressed concern that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s religious beliefs are hampering humanitarian efforts.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  12-16-2010  |  International

How Effective is Canada’s Meat-Inspection System?new

Insiders say Canada’s meat-inspection system isn’t keeping consumers safe from food-borne illnesses.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  10-21-2010  |  Science

The Horror: A Bird's-Eye View of the Spillnew

“As soon as you get out there, it fucking punches you in the gut,” said Vancouver photographer Kris Krug. “Unless you are out there near the source, up in the air, it is hard to really imagine the scope [of the BP oil spill]."
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  06-23-2010  |  Disasters

Gov't Workers Were Embedded in NBC During Olympicsnew

The British Columbia government had employees who were "embedded" within the CTV and NBC television networks during the Olympics, according to Tourism, Culture and the Arts Minister Kevin Krueger.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  04-05-2010  |  Media

Pfizer's Popular Pill Neurontin Has Side Effectsnew

A UBC drug-research group has issued a “therapeutics letter” concluding that a widely used pain reliever has very little effect. The Therapeutics Initiative states in its public letter that gabapentin has a “minor role in pain control.”
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  03-29-2010  |  Science

Gwynne Dyer on Benjamin Netanyahu's Optionsnew

By the time Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Washington on Wednesday night (March 24), after postponing his departure twice, there was general agreement in the American media that his visit had been disastrous.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  03-29-2010  |  Religion

U.S. White Supremacist Videotapes Anti-Nazi Rally in New Westminsternew

A significant figure in the American white-supremacist movement was videotaping people who attended a March 21 antiracism rally at the Braid SkyTrain station in New Westminster.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  03-26-2010  |  Race & Class

Vancouver Gay Rights Pioneer Peter Corren Diesnew

One of the most influential gay rights activists in Canadian history died on December 30 after a lengthy battle with cancer. Peter Corren waged many battles with his husband Murray Corren on behalf of same-sex couples, which helped transform Canadian society.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  01-04-2010  |  LGBT

The Aftermath of Copenhagennew

"The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene tonight, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport”, said John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, on Friday night (December 18). "There are no targets for carbon cuts and no agreement on a legally binding treaty.”
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  12-22-2009  |  Environment

Vancouver Police Move Toward Installing Video Surveillance in Jailnew

After initially resisting the plan, the Vancouver Police Department is moving ahead with the installation of a video surveillance system in its jail.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  12-07-2009  |  Crime & Justice

One Key Point Lost in the H1N1 Flu Hysteria: Best Prevention is Basic Hygienenew

How do we stay healthy in a germy world? In Soap and Water and Common Sense, Dr. Bonnie Henry suggests we scrub our hands well -- and vaccines don't hurt, either.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gail Johnson  |  10-20-2009  |  Science

Tides and Waves Could Be a Key Source of Power for British Columbianew

As the climate-change crisis continues to grow, the search for alternative sources of energy is intensifying. If proponents of ocean energy have their way, B.C.'s coastal waters will become a key power source for the province.
The Georgia Straight  |  Dawn Paley  |  09-22-2009  |  Environment

Education Generation's Microfinancing Funds Students Around the Globenew

While Facebook and other social-networking sites have taken off as a mostly recreational way for people to connect with each other, a Vancouver-based charity is using the technology to change people's lives.
The Georgia Straight  |  Karen Pinchin  |  08-31-2009  |  Education

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