AltWeeklies Wire

What Happens to Ticket Prices When Live Nation & Ticketmaster Merge?new

This is a story about fat cats agreeing to merge with rivals rather than outperform each other and getting one over on the consumer. Enjoy the rest of the summer concert season -- it might be the last you can afford.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brian McManus  |  07-21-2009  |  Music

Irving Azoff Reveals Ticketmaster Secret at Senate Judiciary Hearingsnew

One of the lesser-reported revelations of last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearings on the proposed merger of the two corporate behemoths of the concert business, Ticketmaster and LiveNation, came during a conversation with Ticketmaster CEO Irving Azoff about service fees.
L.A. Weekly  |  Randall Roberts  |  03-05-2009  |  Music

Together, Live Nation and Ticketmaster Could Exert a Dangerous Amount of Powernew

When news of the proposed Live Nation and Ticketmaster merger flashed across the internet, it was accompanied by the same mix of panic and dread you'd expect in response to an announcement that great white sharks were carrying the Ebola virus and could now fly.
Chicago Reader  |  Miles Raymer  |  02-23-2009  |  Music

I'm Sorry, All Agents Are Busy Organizingnew

Employees at one office of Ticketmaster, the company we love to hate, are organizing against work conditions that include required doctor's notes for any absence and disciplinary points for being seconds late.
Metroland  |  Miriam Axel-Lute  |  02-23-2005  |  Business & Labor

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