AltWeeklies Wire

Salvation Nationnew senior writer Michelle Goldberg talks about the rise of Christian nationalism as detailed in her first book, Kingdom Coming.
Artvoice  |  Katherine O'Day  |  08-04-2006  |  Religion

King Pinnednew

The places and faces in this new father/son narrative are as real as it gets.
NOW Magazine  |  Andrew Dowler  |  06-16-2006  |  Reviews

Dear Godnew

An exceedingly controversial book gets people talking about the problems of tolerating religious fundamentalism -- but doesn't provide good alternatives.
Metroland  |  Gene Mirabelli  |  02-09-2006  |  Nonfiction

The Reformation of Matthew Foxnew

Against the odds, an Oakland, Calif., theologian -- most famous as a critic of Pope Benedict XVI -- takes his inclusive notion of Christianity global.
SF Weekly  |  Ryan Blitstein  |  09-14-2005  |  Religion

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