AltWeeklies Wire

How an Oregon Guru Raked in Millions as a New Age Psychicnew

Eric Pepin is a balding, heavyset 42-year-old from Beaverton, Ore. who claims he can heal the sick, control the weather, travel between dimensions and communicate with God. He teaches his secrets on CDs and DVDs that sell for up to $299 each on his website. And people buy them.
Willamette Week  |  James Pitkin  |  05-13-2009  |  Culture

Lou Reed Embraces His Legacy -- Maybenew

Is Lou Reed having fun? He seems to be smiling more lately.
INDY Week  |  Marc Masters  |  04-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Blocker's Gambitnew

Calvin Blocker, Ohio's only native international chess master, is back in the game after being sidelined by depression.
Cleveland Scene  |  James Renner  |  10-11-2005  |  Recreation

The Reformation of Matthew Foxnew

Against the odds, an Oakland, Calif., theologian -- most famous as a critic of Pope Benedict XVI -- takes his inclusive notion of Christianity global.
SF Weekly  |  Ryan Blitstein  |  09-14-2005  |  Religion

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