AltWeeklies Wire

FairPoint's Phone-Line Takeover is as Bad as Regulators Fearednew

The Verizon-FairPoint merger, in which a North Carolina-based little-phone-company-that-could spent $2.3 billion of mostly borrowed money to take over the northern New England operations of one of the world's largest telecommunications companies, has been more disastrous than even we thought.
Portland Phoenix  |  Jeff Inglis  |  07-03-2008  |  Business & Labor

Verizon Says No to Trans-Inclusive Policynew

What would make a company who ranked number one on DiversityInc's "Top 50 Companies for Diversity" the past two years take a less than favorable action on a policy to included gender identity and expression in its non-dsicrimination policy?
Artvoice  |  Bryan Whitley-Grassi  |  05-12-2008  |  LGBT

400 Channels and Nothing For Us?

Public access TV and a lot more is at stake if big telcos have their way with local cable laws.
INDY Week  |  Fiona Morgan  |  03-09-2006  |  Media

The Triangle Unwirednew

Around the country, some cities say providing cheap wireless Internet access is as essential as water. Why not in the North Carolina Triangle?
INDY Week  |  Fiona Morgan  |  03-28-2005  |  Policy Issues

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