AltWeeklies Wire

In the wake of Moulin Rouge!, Chicago and Nine before it, Burlesque, the next sequin-clad jaunt to tempt the fates of the holiday box office, has a bit of a tightrope walk before it.
Dig Boston |
Charlotte Shirley |
11-24-2010 |
Tags: Burlesque
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Part Inew

Hil and J.Pat were two of the folks who packed into an advanced screening of the second to last Harry Potter flick (along with the Emerson Quidditch Team. Sick uniforms, guys.) Here's their review of the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Dig Boston |
Dig Staff |
11-17-2010 |
'Visual Acoustics': If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Will Someone Make a Documentary About It?new

Julius Shulman was the world's greatest architecture photographer (he died shortly after the film's release). During his long career, he captured the iconic buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright and Richard Neutra with his eye for the emblematic.
Dig Boston |
David Day |
02-24-2010 |
The Anvil Experience: Our Resident Metalhead Mano y Mano With 'Lips'new

The acclaimed rags-to-slightly-better-rags (but still not rich) documentary Anvil! The Story of Anvil brought a notoriety the Canadian band failed to achieve in 30 years. But chatting with us from his Toronto home, Steve "Lips" Kudlow made it clear that what you see is what you get.
Dig Boston |
Dave Wedge |
01-20-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Lovely Bones' is Predictable, Filled with Cheap Emotional Momentsnew

Don't worry, Susie Salmon. You'll eventually make it to heaven, where, lucky for you, nobody wants to talk about the shitty movies they did on earth.
Dig Boston |
Martin Caballero |
01-20-2010 |
John Hillcoat's 'The Road': Brutalism on Celluloidnew

"One for The Road," I said to the ticket taker. "Ha ha ha, that's not the first time I've heard that," he said. And that was the last laugh I had at the movies that day.
Dig Boston |
David Day |
12-09-2009 |
'Stealing America': Another Uplifting Tale on the Death of Democracynew
Stealing America documents what many people think happened the last few electoral contests. Namely, that the bedrock of American democracy was undermined by voting machines that have no system of checks and balances, no audit trail and no accountability whatsoever.
Dig Boston |
David Day |
09-03-2008 |
'Step Brothers' is to Humor what Rape is to Sexnew
The latest Judd Apatow-produced slab of celluloid from Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly is their most blatant exercise in desperation yet.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
07-24-2008 |
Joel McHale of 'The Soup' Talks Bad TV and Standup Comedynew
Under the steady smirk of McHale, The Soup has been transformed from just another show built on easy, ironic jabs to a surprisingly effective front in the unending battle against terrible television. McHale is funny, for sure, which is why his new interest in performing stand-up comedy is so promising, but it's his point of view that adds purpose to all the cynicism.
Dig Boston |
Rob Turbovsky |
07-24-2008 |
'Wanted': Can We Get a Believable Scenario, Please?new
If you were to remove every implausible moment from Wanted you would be left staring at a white screen.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
06-26-2008 |
Tags: Timur Bekmambetov, Wanted
In 'Never Forever,' Money Can't Buy Happinessnew
Never Forever's characters are not people with whom you can empathize, nor does that seem to be writer and director Gina Kim's goal, at first. But the strength with which I came to care for Sophie Lee (Vera Farmiga) by the film's end was surprisingly overwhelming.
Dig Boston |
Laura Dargas |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: Never Forever, Gina Kim
'Son of Rambow' is a Truly Funny Film About Identity and the Loss of Innocencenew
But there's another level to Garth Jennings' latest -- a subtle underlying theme about how foreign influences have affected the culturally isolated Brits.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: Garth Jennings, Son of Rambow
'Planet B-Boy': It's All About the Battlenew
This documentary is an effective cheerleader for its worthy subject matter, stuffed with spectacular, unforgettable performances, and will likely win you over, unless you're a cynical bastard like me.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: Benson Lee, Planet B-Boy
'21' is Not 'True' to Its Sourcenew
Luketic's film is ultimately like Vegas itself: lots of flash, but no soul.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
03-27-2008 |
Tags: 21, Robert Luketic
'Married Life': A Light Romp of Love, Lust & Murdernew
Kudos to director Ira Sachs, who turned a low budget to his advantage, using only the most minimal of period set pieces and evoking the filmmaking of the target time with canny, simple camerawork and a talented cast.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
03-20-2008 |
Tags: Ira Sachs, Married Life