AltWeeklies Wire
Buried Casesnew

Lansing Police Department's lack of Cold Case organization.
City Pulse |
Rich Tupica and Steve Miller |
03-15-2013 |
What’s Wong With This Picture? Time Magazine Sucks

The May 21, 2012 issue of Time Magazine is a significant bellwether. It speaks volumes about the state of America’s steadily imploding media, of which Time Magazine has crossed a line into tabloid exploitation. It could well be the magazine’s Waterloo.
City Pulse |
Cole Smithey |
05-14-2012 |
Gannett Shuts Down NOISE, Its Faux Alt-Weekly in Lansing,

After nine years, the Gannett Corp. has pulled the plug on one of the prototypes for the wave of weeklies that were supposed to bring young readers back to print. After this week, NOISE becomes online only.
City Pulse |
Andy Balaskovitz |
06-22-2011 |
Blown up
Details of a confidential informant, 228 pounds of marijuana and a wrestling superstar emerge from the arrest of a Lansing area medical marijuana spiritual leader.
City Pulse |
Andy Balaskovitz |
06-02-2010 |
Crime & Justice
The Straight Jacket: Undercover With an Ex-Gay Counseling Centernew
Mike Jones, who is not a licensed counselor in Michigan, gives therapy to men and women looking to reconcile their feeling of same-sex attraction.
City Pulse |
Brandon Kirby |
05-12-2010 |
Medical Marijuana Activists Unhappy With Proposed New Regulationsnew
Local medical marijuana activists are expressing displeasure with proposed new legislation that would change the state’s medical marijuana law. The activists gathered Tuesday at Gone Wired Café on Michigan Avenue in Lansing after the proposed legislation was discussed in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
City Pulse |
Neal McNamara |
01-21-2010 |
Enviros Urge Michigan to Stop New Coal Plantsnew
A coalition of citizens and environmental groups urged Gov. Jennifer Granholm at a press conference this morning to "Stop the Coal Rush" and place a moratorium on the construction of new coal-fired power plants.
City Pulse |
Angela Vasquez-Giroux |
01-07-2009 |
Should We Rescue Detroit's Sinking Ship?new

Any bailout for the Big Three must be seriously questioned and come with conditions, because we can't let these companies hold us hostage anymore.
City Pulse |
Lawrence Cosentno, Neal McNamara and Angela Vasquez-Giroux |
11-20-2008 |
The Incredible Shrinking Lansing State Journalnew
Old-timers tell stories of a vibrant newsroom a decade ago, with more than 20 reporters, including three alone covering the state Capitol. The staff took pride in its role as the watchdog newspaper for Michigan government. Today, staff levels aren't the only things shrinking. Coverage is down. Staff morale is down amid the cutbacks. Circulation numbers are down.
City Pulse |
Kyle Melinn and Angela Vasquez-Giroux |
08-27-2008 |