AltWeeklies Wire

Weed Whacking Californianew

The federal crackdown that shredded medical marijuana this year looks like it'll last at least until the 2012 presidential election.
East Bay Express  |  David Downs  |  12-21-2011  |  Drugs

Weeded Out: Medical Marijuana in D.C. Requires Federal Waivernew

Opening a pot shop in D.C. means signing a paper that says you're a criminal.
Washington City Paper  |  Martin Austermuhle  |  09-01-2011  |  Drugs

Buzz Killersnew

Two groups want to legalize pot in Ohio. So why aren’t they talking to each other?
Cleveland Scene  |  Maude L. Campbell  |  08-23-2011  |  Drugs

Nation's Leading Pro-Marijuana Group Is Too White to Succeednew

Image is everything, and the absence of minorities within NORML has created the perception that the organization is primarily working to ensure that the white pot smokers of the world can get high without worry.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Michael Alan Goldberg  |  04-25-2011  |  Policy Issues

California's Prop. 19 Didn't Resonate With Minority Votersnew

Election results and exit polling data show that blacks, Latinos, and Asians who voted for Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer went against marijuana legalization.
East Bay Express  |  Robert Gammon  |  11-15-2010  |  Drugs

Incense Nonsensenew

Anyone can buy a new and little-understood drug called K2 — even your kids.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  07-30-2010  |  Drugs

Will Oakland's Giant Pot Farms Be Green?new

The massive indoor medical cannabis grows will consume huge amounts of electricity. But will the city make sure they don't add to greenhouse-gas emissions?
East Bay Express  |  Robert Gammon  |  07-29-2010  |  Environment

Growing Painsnew

An Oregon ballot measure is tearing a rift in the marijuana reform movement.
The Portland Mercury  |  Stefan Kamph  |  07-22-2010  |  Drugs

Medical Marijuana Activists Unhappy With Proposed New Regulationsnew

Local medical marijuana activists are expressing displeasure with proposed new legislation that would change the state’s medical marijuana law. The activists gathered Tuesday at Gone Wired Café on Michigan Avenue in Lansing after the proposed legislation was discussed in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
City Pulse  |  Neal McNamara  |  01-21-2010  |  Science

Drugs of Choicenew

Some former cops argue that all drugs -- not just pot -- should be legal.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  04-26-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Two Bills in Congress Aimed at Drug Users Who Drivenew

Soon, a driver may be convicted of "Driving Under the Influence of Drugs" or "drugged driving" if they've used illegal drugs at any time from a few minutes to as much as a month prior to getting behind the wheel.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Dean Kuipers  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

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