AltWeeklies Wire

Lawless in Missourinew

Missouri legislators zero in on guns, gays and gags in another year of attempted lawmaking.
The Pitch  |  Matt Pearce  |  05-14-2012  |  Politics

Will She Run For Congress? Who Cares: It Makes Good Radionew

After she promoted and appeared at local tea-party protests, grassroots conservatives began courting spitfire radio host Darla Jaye to make a run for Kansas Democrat Dennis Moore's Congressional seat.
The Pitch  |  Alan Scherstuhl  |  12-15-2009  |  Politics

Missouri Professor Hopes to Bring Democracy to Sudannew

There are plenty of reasons for Abdullahi Ibrahim not to run in 2010's Sudanese presidential election. The election could be rigged. The repressive ruling regime could target opposing candidates. But that's exactly why Ibrahim decided to run -- and why he believes he can win.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  07-21-2009  |  Politics

Senator Brownback Lacks Good Intelligence for His Gitmo Fightnew

Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback's office cannot produce any primary evidence to support its claim that bringing Gitmo detainees to Leavenworth would imperil the relationship building that takes place at the Command and General Staff College.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  06-23-2009  |  Politics

Scenes from the Health-Care Struggle in Missourinew

Missouri now ranks in the nation's bottom five states when it comes to parent eligibility for Medicaid, and lawmakers, advocates argue, should do more to help the state's most vulnerable citizens, especially during a period of high unemployment.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  06-16-2009  |  Politics

My Life in the McCain Campaignnew

If the maverick loses Missouri, maybe it's because his volunteers didn't work hard enough.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  11-04-2008  |  Politics

Can the Obama Campaign Win Springfield and Rural Missouri?new

The Greene County Democratic Central Committee, which has headquarters in Springfield year-round, estimates that about a quarter of the county's voters are independent, so the Obama campaign has invested a great deal of energy here. Swing-state Missouri matters: The winner in Missouri has also won the general election in every contest but one since 1904.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  11-04-2008  |  Politics

In Missouri, McCain and Palin Refute Realitynew

McCain slammed Obama for telling people what they wanted to hear and then promised, "You will always know where I stand." But even that wasn't true. Back in 2000, McCain called Christian conservatives "agents of intolerance." Now he has selected one as his running mate.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  09-23-2008  |  Politics

I Worked at Kmart With John McCain's Director of Strategynew

Sarah Simmons managed in just 16 years to haul herself up from tending the 99-cent underwear bin to serving as director of strategy for the Republican Party's presidential candidate.
The Pitch  |  Alan Scherstuhl  |  09-09-2008  |  Politics

Call Bullshit on Conservatives' Tired Argument About Democrats and Tax Increasesnew

The Republican argument about the Democrat always boils down to one thing.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  09-03-2008  |  Commentary

Did Sen. Chris Koster Plant a Fake Candidate for Missouri Attorney General?new

It's an election year, but Molly Korth Williams hasn't taken the time to plant a sign in the front yard of her Brookside home. This is a little strange, because Williams is running as a Democrat for attorney general.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  04-01-2008  |  Politics

Wayne Cauthen's Travelsnew

Records show that Kansas City's city manager makes frequent and pricey trips at taxpayer expense.
The Pitch  |  Eric Barton  |  12-11-2007  |  Politics

The Real Frances Semlernew

A few months ago, mostly just gardeners and Minutemen knew the woman who's been at the center of Kansas City's biggest political controversy.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  10-16-2007  |  Politics

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius Has a Dirty Secretnew

She preaches green, but her heart seems as black as coal.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  08-14-2007  |  Politics

Ghost Patriotsnew

Were those Minutemen or an active imagination outside a Kansas City councilwoman's condo?
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  08-07-2007  |  Politics

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