AltWeeklies Wire
Study committee green lights mass transitnew

A legislative panel on Thursday endorsed a mass transit funding plan that could mean a tax increase for residents and businesses and require approval from local officials and voters.
Errors on Indiana Voter ID casenew

Earlier this month, the U.S. circuit court judge who wrote the majority opinion in the landmark election law case that originated from Indiana, Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, confessed that he was wrong.
Indiana loses million in tobacco paymentsnew

The state is set to lose $63 million in tobacco payments next year after an arbitration panel determined it failed to enforce a provision of the master settlement with tobacco companies.
What Republicans really wantnew
I think Republicans are motivated by a larger, overriding vision: They want all of America to be just like Indiana.
David Hoppe |
10-08-2013 |
Indiana Right-to-Work Law Ruled Unconstitutionalnew

A Lake County judge has ruled Indiana's right-to-work law unconstitutional, saying it requires unions to perform services for which they can't be compensated.
Some gains on pot decriminalizationnew

NORML Chair Neal Smith cites "modest gains," as cannabis consciousness still nascent at the Statehouse.
Guns Across America hits Indiananew

An estimated crowd of 150 Second Amendment activists gathered on the steps of the Indiana Statehouse.
Protest marks Citizens United anniversarynew

Indiana activists gathered to mark the third anniversary of the Citizens United Decision and protest the flood of dark money in politics.
Put the Marriage Amendment on Holdnew
The U.S. Supreme Court Friday may have given Indiana Republicans an early Christmas present when it decided to hear the constitutionality of California's Prop 8, which would ban same-sex marriage in the Golden State.
Abdul-Hakim Shabazz |
12-12-2012 |
Indiana versus itselfnew
America may be divided, but that division has less to do with opposing ideas about how to solve the country's problems than it does with one side's trying to resist the momentum of history.
Weed, same-sex marriage, women and public transitnew

The 2012 election was a milestone in many regards, but Indiana public transit is still lagging behind.
Risky to talk religion on campaign trailnew
What makes the storm most interesting to me is that the position Mourdock expressed about abortion was no surprise: He's been a consistent opponent - even in rape and incest cases.
Lesley Weidenbener |
10-29-2012 |
Indiana candidates talk trucks, marijuana, creationismnew

On the issue of marijuana, Pence called it a "scourge," Gregg is disinclined to decriminalization, but remains open to discuss, while Boneham supports legalization for medical purposes.
Tags: Mike Pence, John Gregg
Women in jeopardynew
If you vote Republican, you will be voting against women. It's as simple as that.
Tags: Mike Pence, women's rights