AltWeeklies Wire

SF Weekly Comics Issuenew

A whole issue done in a comic style -- from the letters page to the feature to reviews.
SF Weekly  |  SF Weekly  |  06-11-2014  |  Cartoons

Subterranean Rush Hour Blues: Behind the Soundtrack to Your Commutenew

A profile piece on the street musicians San Francisco commuters pass everyday.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi, Kate Conger and Rachel Swan  |  12-19-2013  |  Culture

Only One America's Cup Winner, But Many Losersnew

San Francisco poured millions into the event in hopes of catching crumbs off the table of a megalomaniacal billionaire. New Zealand, meanwhile, directly subsidized its yachting team with government funds, buying something akin to partial ownership of the product. These were calculated risks. Neither may pay off.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  09-25-2013  |  Sports

The Pilgrimage Issue: True Tales from the Roadnew

We could have called this "The Travel Issue," but mere travel is not what we were after. We wanted to go beyond the two-dimensional, picture-postcard experience of tourism to something deeper — a voyage out in space and back in time. A place where origins and destinations meet.
SF Weekly  |  SF Weekly Staff  |  08-02-2013  |  Travel

49ers Pissed Away Super Bowl Berthnew

So many times, we've been told that tragedies or deaths "put things in perspective" when it comes to organized sports. Really? Fans need floods and famines and terrorist attacks and senseless mayhem to remind them that there are more important things in life than the outcome of a ballgame? This is necessary?
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  01-23-2012  |  Sports

Hipster or Homeless?new

"Hipster or Homeless" creator Parker Ruhstaller, a self-proclaimed Internet addict, chats about his viral baby and some of his favorite hipster things.
SF Weekly  |  Stephanie Echeveste  |  07-01-2011  |  Culture

I Endorsed This Tweetnew

Twitter, Facebook face political regulation.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  08-03-2010  |  Tech

The Weathermen's Ticking Time Bombnew

The investigation into a cop killing in the '70s leads to a Chicago law professor involved in the early stages of Barack Obama’s political career.
SF Weekly  |  Peter Jamison  |  09-18-2009  |  History

Researcher Says White Folks are Fleeing MySpace for Facebooknew

Last week, a study showing that older folks have flocked to Facebook was all over the news. But word of an even more provocative trend waits in the wings: white flight from MySpace to Facebook.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Gard  |  07-15-2009  |  Tech

Outdated Rules Threaten the Life of San Fran's All-Ages Clubsnew

The livelihood of San Franciso's best-known all-ages venues is under siege based on issues that have nothing to do with public safety, but rather on archaic views of how a nightclub should operate.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  05-27-2009  |  Recreation

Iso Rabins: Out of the Wildnew

Iso Rabins' foraged food is the toast of San Francisco's gourmet set. Health inspectors and environmentalists aren't so thrilled.
SF Weekly  |  Peter Jamison  |  03-20-2009  |  Food+Drink

Tommy Hall, an Originator of Acid Rock in the '60s, is Still Psychedelicnew

For many of his 66 years, Hall has been pursuing intellectual enlightenment through acid. He began that quest in the mid-'60s with the 13th Floor Elevators.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  02-18-2009  |  Culture

How 'Douchebag' Became Everyone's Favorite Insultnew

James Matisoff, an emeritus professor in UC Berkeley's linguistics department, concurs that douchebag's pejoration -- its change from neutral to negative meaning -- has snowballed in recent years. The culprits: Jon Stewart and his comedic brethren.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  01-07-2009  |  Commentary

Gay Porn Star Michael Brandon Vows Comebacknew

To the fans of the beloved San Franciscan gay porn star with a 10-inch cock named Monster, a stubborn crystal meth addiction, and pending drug charges against him: Fear not. If all goes well, he could avoid prison and be back in porn by next year.
SF Weekly  |  Ashley Harrell  |  12-10-2008  |  Culture

The Origins of Biodynamic Wine Are Steeped in the Occult and Bad Sciencenew

Biodynamic wines' sign is ascending -- even if no one involved in making or selling them wants to volunteer information about the severed cows' heads or a bevy of other animal and vegetable preparations that read like a shopping list for Shakespeare's three weird sisters.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  11-19-2008  |  Food+Drink

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