AltWeeklies Wire

Oil and Water: A Graphic Accountnew

A new graphic novel about the Gulf oil disaster.
Gambit  |  Alex Woodward  |  11-29-2011  |  Books

Jindal on Your Kindlenew

Gov. Bobby Jindal's memoir, Leadership and Crisis, will be released Nov. 15.
Gambit  |  Kvein Allman  |  11-16-2010  |  Books

Remembering Barry Hannah: Chris Rose on a Southern Writing Legendnew

This week's homage is paid to a man whom I assume touched more lives in New Orleans than just my own. He was Barry Hannah, a hard-drinking, savage wit possessed of a sorcerer's command of the English language, a writer of crystal daggers and diviner of the secrets of love.
Gambit  |  Chris Rose  |  03-10-2010  |  Books

Poppy Z. Brite's 'Second Line'new

When Poppy Z. Brite put aside her popular vampire stories, she wasn't looking to enter a new genre, partially because she only had plans for one novel, but also because, she says, the only food fiction on radar is a subgenre of mysteries set in the culinary world.
Gambit  |  Will Coviello  |  12-30-2009  |  Fiction

Book Excerpt: 'Shake the Devil Off'new

In this exclusive excerpt from his new book Shake the Devil Off, Brown examines the last hours of the life of Zackery Bowen, who killed and dismembered his girlfriend, bartender Addie Hall, before leaping to his death from the top of a French Quarter hotel in October 2006.
Gambit  |  Ethan Brown  |  08-31-2009  |  Excerpts

'Nine Lives' is a Tapestry of Improbable Stories About New Orleansnew

Journalist Dan Baum uses the experiences of a diverse cast of New Orleanians to tell his Hurricane Katrina story.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman  |  02-17-2009  |  Nonfiction

Jazz Began Where?new

In a new book, noted jazz historian Samuel Charters changes his tune on how the genre began.
Gambit  |  Jason Berry  |  07-09-2008  |  Nonfiction

New World Musicnew

Ned Sublette and two others discuss music and New Orleans history at a panel discussion during the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival.
Gambit  |  Caroline Goyette  |  03-25-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Table Talknew

Former Gambit Weekly restaurant critic Sara Roahen writes from the heart about New Orleans food culture and her immersion in it.
Gambit  |  David Lee Simmons  |  02-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

'Eye of the Storm': Writing Out Katrinanew

Sally Forman's self-published book on Mayor Ray Nagin and the storm is not a kiss-and-tell, and that's to the writer's credit.
Gambit  |  Jason Berry  |  09-12-2007  |  Nonfiction

Demaree Inglese's Medical Interventionnew

In No Ordinary Heroes, the prison medical director details life at a flooded Orleans Parish Prison following Hurricane Katrina.
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit  |  08-15-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Portraits' of Historynew

More than 2,000 portraits of returning survivors, relief workers, and rebuilders recently became this self-published, glossy, hardcover oral history coffee-table book.
Gambit  |  Michael Patrick Welch  |  07-25-2007  |  Books

Missing Linksnew

A new book connects a long unsolved New Orleans murder, the AIDS epidemic, cancer and the JFK assassination.
Gambit  |  Kandace Power Graves  |  07-17-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Children of Hopenew

Former Gambit Weekly editor Michael Tisserand's new book tells how parents and teachers helped children traumatized by Katrina deal with their losses -- and how one family chose to leave the city they loved.
Gambit  |  Kandace Power Graves  |  07-10-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Writers & Poets Flock to New Orleans in Drovesnew

They are drawing inspiration -- and the usual assortment of unique characters -- from Hurricane Katrina's sad aftermath.
Gambit  |  Dinah Cardin  |  06-20-2007  |  Books

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