AltWeeklies Wire

Access Deniednew

Systematic statewide abuse of Oregon public records laws thwarts the people's right to know.
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  05-31-2016  |  Civil Liberties

Medicine Mannew

Award-winning Eugene grower Adam Jacques leads the way for medical cannabis.
Eugene Weekly  |  Rick Levin  |  01-15-2016  |  Health

Apathy Made Visiblenew

In Eugene, Oregon — home of the University of Oregon and the Ducks and counterculture — a cavalier city government is chipping away at public space, one city square at a time.
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  11-24-2015  |  Civil Liberties

Invest in Kidsnew

Preschool kids need widespread community support.
Eugene Weekly  |  Amy Schneider  |  10-16-2015  |  Education

Out of the Darknessnew

Did people in the Dark Ages suspect they were living in the Dark Ages? It’s tempting, considering recent circumstances — the endless mass shootings, the warehousing of the mentally ill in jails and prisons, the preponderance of the sick, homeless and addicted in Eugene — to tumble into despair over the state of mental health in this society.
Eugene Weekly  |  Rick Levin  |  09-29-2015  |  Health

Rolling it outnew

Oregon recreational users can buy pot at medical dispensaries starting Oct. 1, and other cannabis updates
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  09-29-2015  |  Drugs

Into the Institutionnew

As citizens struggle with mental illness, health care providers struggle with how to help them. Does Oregon's new state hospital mean that yet again we turn to institutions rather than community care?
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen and Rick Levin  |  09-24-2015  |  Health

Single Without the Minglenew

“Self-dating” is a term for those flying solo with a self-oriented goal. It is a commitment to oneself — passions, career and dreams — and it builds an intimate relationship with yourself instead of hooking up with another person (or people) in the stereotypical romantic way. It means getting to know yourself, for yourself.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kelsey Anne Rankin  |  09-03-2015  |  Features

Housing First?new

Has Salt Lake City solved "the homeless problem"? No, despite a flurry of excited stories, it has not. But the Housing First model and the collaboration and commitment from local groups and the government on all levels in combination with Housing First are a huge step in the right direction that other cities can follow.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  08-20-2015  |  Homelessness

What's the Big Idea?new

Eugene ideas inspire Oregon and the nation, and we need more of them.
Eugene Weekly  |  Amy Schneider  |  08-14-2015  |  Economy

Radical Predictionsnew

Emeritus natural resources professor Guy McPherson says the Earth's sixth extinction is already under way, we could see mass die-offs of humans and other species within 18 months and humanity has at best 10 to 20 years. What do noted climate scientists and authors think about these dire predictions?
Eugene Weekly  |  Ted Taylor  |  07-21-2015  |  Environment

Dirty Medicinenew

Butane hash oil, illegal pesticides, unregulated labs and a looming public health threat.
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  06-29-2015  |  Drugs

Dragged Through The Mud: Rape Survivors Endurenew

The University of Oregon let a sexual misconduct investigation "fall off the radar" then took the survivor's counseling records without permission.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  05-29-2015  |  Crime & Justice

The Teaching Poornew

Twenty-two percent of part-time faculty in Oregon are below the poverty line. That’s higher than the 16.2 percent of Oregonians in general that the U.S. Census says are below poverty.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  04-23-2015  |  Education

Hot on the Truffle Trailnew

It was a whim when I entered a crop-eared, scarred-up pitbull named Biggie in the Joriad North American Truffle Dog Championship at the Oregon Truffle Festival in January.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  04-02-2015  |  Features

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