AltWeeklies Wire
SantaCon 2008's Rein(deer) of Terrornew
The gathering of the Santas at the boathouse was on a comedy level somewhere closer to the Firesign Theatre, as nearly 300 crowded the park. There were hippie, hipster and biker Santas; Santas in Lucha Libre and green gorilla masks; and some tall St. Nick with a star on his eye like Paul Stanley from KISS. All moved in cheery circles around red-suited and tinsel-daubed ladies, some of them too slinky and sexed-up for lap-sitting shifts at any department store.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Ron Garmon |
12-12-2008 |
Giving Thanks for Buy Nothing Daynew
I am about 14 years late to the party on this one, but I'm planning on staying for a bit, and inviting friends. Anyway, the message is that buying more stuff -- even eco-friendly stuff -- is not the answer. Consuming less is a good start. We've been here before.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Coco Tanaka |
12-01-2008 |
Burning Man: Torching the American Dreamnew
Welcome to Hell. Population, You: Among the many and varied effects of Burning Man upon national culture is that it vindicates a long-cherished, if little-expressed, American desire to drive to another planet.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Ron Garmon |
09-05-2008 |
Shot Puts and Handjobs: It's the Olympics!new

Isn't it long past due that the Olympics included a Shark Jumping event? The whole sweaty spectacle vaulted into inconsequence years ago.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Jim Washburn |
08-15-2008 |
Give Beijing a Breaknew

In the "one world, one dream" spirit of the special family-reunion feelings that fill my heart just once every four years (because the Winter Olympics are lame), I request a 16-day moratorium on China-bashing, at least where their crap environmental record is concerned.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Coco Tanaka |
08-08-2008 |
The Last Sports Writer: Manny Upnew
The night before, in his first game as a Dodger, Manny had faced Randy Johnson, who will one day be his neighbor in the Hall of Fame. But poor Yusmierio Petit never had a chance.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Neal Pollack |
08-08-2008 |
'Fuck Hope': George Carlin, 1937-2008new

There'll be little enough cause to ask what this late, stupendously gifted funnyman would think of a President Obama and his rhetoric of "Hope" in the midst of our general, scrambling disintegration. We already know.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Ron Garmon |
06-27-2008 |
Green Sex Toys: A Veritable Whole Foods of Fuckingnew

I may be a rookie when it comes to the ball-stretching world of L.A. erotica, but really, the sheer volume of environmentally sound substitutes available to so-called sexual deviants (so-called by my grandmother, anyway) boggles the mind.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Coco Tanaka |
06-27-2008 |
A Question for Lakers Fans: How Can You Root for Kobe Bryant?new
You're supposed to root for the underdog. Kobe is the ultimate overdog, the spoiled ubermensch who gets away with everything. He wins every battle, every court case, and, eventually, every award that professional sports has to offer.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Neal Pollack |
06-20-2008 |
2012: Apocalypse Soon?new

For the first time in nearly fifteen years the End of the World draws near. December 21, 2012, is coming in hard with multiple threats, and conflicting theories being actively debated on any and all forums that offer media time to the fringe and the fantastic.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Mick Farren |
06-20-2008 |
Fifty Years of Dodger Bluenew

All professional baseball is built on a multi-billion-dollar foundation of half-remembered childhood memories, but even given that reality, the Dodgers have crafted a silly, if not repulsive, carnival of gauzy manufactured nostalgia. The Dodgers' 50th anniversary in Los Angeles celebration is irretrievably lame.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Neal Pollack |
05-12-2008 |
Power of the Paparazzinew
Wolf Blitzer and Co. are but one rung higher than TMZ in the devolution of the media.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
David Ehrenstein |
03-07-2008 |
Infinite Comicsnew
Real life, apocalyptic imaginings, and superheroes crowded a busy year for writers and artists.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Natalie Nichols |
12-28-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Need a Recipe for a Better '08?new
Hoppin' John is a one-dish combination of black-eyed peas and rice traditionally served throughout the Southern U.S. on New Year's Day to ensure good luck in the coming year.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Don Waller |
12-28-2007 |
'Now I'll Be Famous'new
Big dreams and heinous acts at an Omaha mall.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Mick Farren |
12-14-2007 |