AltWeeklies Wire

Montreal Aims to Become Cycling Havennew

New bike paths, self-service rentals, more parking places and bike racks on buses and taxis are all part of the city's ambitious plan.
Montreal Mirror  |  Erik Leijon  |  04-25-2008  |  Transportation

Marijuana Activists Fight for the Right to Get Highnew

The Canadian marijuana movement gears up for a big party, and a fight against a tough new crime bill which would impose mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related crimes.
Montreal Mirror  |  Patrick Lejtenyi  |  04-25-2008  |  Drugs

You're in Good Hands with Woodhandsnew

"I guess we do rock some funk styles," says Dan Werb. Understandably, he's wary of the "post-funk" tag that has been flung at Woodhands, who rock several styles simultaneously.
Montreal Mirror  |  Lorraine Carpenter  |  04-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Cadence Weapon Follows His Own Rhythm to the Topnew

Amid building buzz for his sophomore effort, Afterparty Babies, the Edmonton MC/producer talks about growing up weird and getting ahead in the loaded game of Canadian hip-hop.
Montreal Mirror  |  Scott C.  |  04-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Emotional Arithmetic' is a Lackluster Adaptationnew

Despite a knockout cast, this film based on Matt Cohen's critically acclaimed novel of the same name, feels distant.
Montreal Mirror  |  Matthew Hays  |  04-18-2008  |  Reviews

Tokyo Police Club Lays Down the Lawnew

The boys in Tokyo Police Club aren't strangers to hard work. Six songs into recording their debut album, Elephant Shell, they scrapped everything and started over, simply because it wasn't rocking hard enough.
Montreal Mirror  |  Lorraine Carpenter  |  04-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

What are the Safety Ramifications of the Bitter Labor Dispute at Petro-Canada?new

A report that says a five-month-long lockout of 260 workers at its Montreal refinery hasn't affected safety came under fire last week from the Parti Quebecois and Canada's largest energy workers union.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-18-2008  |  Business & Labor

Duchess Says Invokes Banshees, Budgies and Sirensnew

The Montreal band sets off a synth-punk explosion on its long-awaited debut LP, Anthologie des 3 Perchoirs, with guidance from its spiritual leader -- a budgie named the Duchess.
Montreal Mirror  |  Lorraine Carpenter  |  04-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Keanu Sinks 'Street Kings'new

In the end, the cliches overshadow the craftsmanship, failing to elevate this above the police-drama-saturated landscape.
Montreal Mirror  |  Malcolm Fraser  |  04-11-2008  |  Reviews

Quebec Promises to Match Funding Raised for Green Campus Causesnew

The provincial government will match the funds raised by campuses in Quebec -- some $250,000, most of it raised at Concordia -- that were aimed at projects that would reduce carbon emissions.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-11-2008  |  Environment

Free Local Digs Help Couch Surfing Reinvent Hospitalitynew

The four-year-old non-profit Couch Surfing is taking intercultural exchanges beyond your token social networking tool. The web-based initiative facilitates connections between like-minded travelers intent on experiencing life abroad at a safe distance from all handicams and fanny packs.
Montreal Mirror  |  Michael-Oliver Harding  |  04-11-2008  |  Travel

Patricia Pearson Examines Her Neuroses and Oursnew

Fear, she believes, is our rational reaction to actual crisis, and most of us -- even neurotics -- are programmed to use it intelligently. Anxiety is something else, an objectless dread that paralyzes us, and seems to be culturally created.
Montreal Mirror  |  Juliet Waters  |  04-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Cumulus Press Celebrates a Decade Between the Coversnew

Scrolling through the Cumulus Press backlist is like taking a trip through a decade of indie/underground Montreal's socio-cultural zeitgeist. It covers a lot of ground for a little press.
Montreal Mirror  |  Vincent Tinguely  |  04-04-2008  |  Books

Concordia's Part-Timers Hit the Picket Linenew

After rounds of fruitless negotiations, leaving the faculty without a collective agreement since 2002, members of the part-time faculty union seemed wary but hopeful after the university hastily scheduled two meetings this week to negotiate.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-04-2008  |  Education

'The Year My Parents Went on Vacation' Drops the Ballnew

The film recreates World Cup fever in 1970s Brazil, but the story is stale.
Montreal Mirror  |  Mark Slutsky  |  03-28-2008  |  Reviews

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