AltWeeklies Wire

Jeweler's Loupenew

Jewelry of Virginia transplant captures artistic history in her small, handmade, wearable pieces.
Metro Spirit  |  Stacey Hudson  |  02-27-2008  |  Art

In the War on Meth, It's the Civilians Who Losenew

Before I stepped into the home, I thought I'd seen it all. I've seen the war on drugs. I've seen the stupid things people will do on crack or cocaine. But meth is the most addictive substance known to man.
Metro Spirit  |  Alan Tanner  |  02-27-2008  |  Drugs

'Bahia Band' Highlights Experimental Music Adventuresnew

"Free Mesopotamia" is percussion on a new level. There are multiple percussion instruments used on this track and the result is amazing. The alignment of jazz with the percussion makes the tune stand out. It's great listening for all musicians of any style.
Metro Spirit  |  Rich McCracken III  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

Orgone Warriornew

Have you noticed a wave of positive energy overtaking Augusta? It just might be Dwayne Dotson and his orgonite workshop.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  02-25-2008  |  Environment

Black and White and Red All Overnew

After selling off 17 newspapers, Morris Communications remains saddled with $400 million in debt, dwindling revenues and the outlook of a rough ride ahead.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  02-11-2008  |  Media

Mother Blames Gardasil for Daughter's Deathnew

A healthy 19-year-old girl suddenly dies two weeks after a Gardasil vaccination. Researchers say its unrelated but the mother has many questions about the safety of the HPV vaccine.
Metro Spirit  |  Tom Grant  |  01-28-2008  |  Science

The Year Without Jamesnew

One year after the death of James Brown, we take a look at the battle over his estate, his family tree and the trinkets that could fetch up to $20 million at auction.
Metro Spirit  |  Erica Bolin and Angel Cleary  |  12-27-2007  |  Music

Nasty Politics Get Even Nastier in the Age of YouTubenew

Three years ago, as Bush battled Kerry, pundits began predicting that the political center stage would gradually shift from TV to the internet. One presidential election later, the politicos have migrated to cyberspace, and we've tagged along.
Metro Spirit  |  Gregory Ruelhmann  |  12-06-2007  |  Politics

Cutting Edgenew

Dr. Kapil Bhalla's checklist for MCG Cancer Center: attract world class research, save lives, make downtown boom.
Metro Spirit  |  Tom Grant  |  11-29-2007  |  Science

Cooking Cancernew

Doctors at the Medical College of Georgia add new tools for fighting lung cancer, including those that attack the disease without invasive surgery.
Metro Spirit  |  Tom Grant  |  11-14-2007  |  Science

Schools of Faithnew

Secular homeschoolers try to find organizations to support their educational work, but discover that most groups emphasize Christian activities and learning programs.
Metro Spirit  |  John Hughes  |  11-14-2007  |  Education

The Hope of Obamanew

In Aiken, S.C., a youthful Senator Barack Obama sells a message of change and positions himself a leader for the future.
Metro Spirit  |  Tom Grant  |  10-15-2007  |  Politics

SCC Likes to Share His Love of God with His Audiences

If Christian music had an Elvis, this would be the guy.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  10-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Reclaiming Lost Homes

With the meteoric rise in foreclosures nationally -- and particularly in Georgia -- courthouse auctios have become the mechanism by which a community reclaims many of the homes and, hopefully, begins to heal itself.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  10-12-2007  |  Housing & Development

Fighting Foreclosurenew

How to possibly stop foreclosure in its tracks.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  10-12-2007  |  Housing & Development

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