AltWeeklies Wire

Justice, Hope and Hurricane Katrinanew

Re-housing residents along the Mississippi coast became the most daunting problem of the post-Katrina recovery—logistically and politically speaking.
Jackson Free Press  |  R.L. Nave  |  09-11-2015  |  Housing & Development

The Katrina Education Lienew

Among the many reflections on the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, the discussion of its effects on schools in New Orleans may be the most disingenuous.
Jackson Free Press  |  Shannon Eubanks  |  09-11-2015  |  Disasters

Water Woes: Waukesha’s quest to divert Lake Michigan water challengednew

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources opened the floodgates and in poured opposition to Waukesha’s quest to divert water from Lake Michigan.
Wisconsin Gazette  |  Lisa Neff  |  09-11-2015  |  Environment

Outdated Laws Trap People of Color in Prison Systemnew

For decades, the United States has had the world’s largest prison population — by far. Though just over 4 percent of the world’s population lives in the United States, we account for 22 percent of the world’s prisoners.
Wisconsin Gazette  |  Louis Weisberg  |  09-11-2015  |  Race & Class

License to Connivenew

Boston still tracks vehicles, lies about it, and leaves sensitive resident data exposed online.
Dig Boston  |  Kenneth Lipp  |  09-10-2015  |  Features

Assault on Abortion Rights Gets Ugly in

An anti-abortion group targets a Wake Forest schoolteacher
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter  |  09-03-2015  |  The War on Women

Single Without the Minglenew

“Self-dating” is a term for those flying solo with a self-oriented goal. It is a commitment to oneself — passions, career and dreams — and it builds an intimate relationship with yourself instead of hooking up with another person (or people) in the stereotypical romantic way. It means getting to know yourself, for yourself.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kelsey Anne Rankin  |  09-03-2015  |  Features

San Diego Universities Botch Sexual Assault Investigationsnew

Campus police impotence — just the tip of the iceberg.
San Diego Reader  |  Dorian Hargrove  |  09-03-2015  |  Features

Rat Talenew

Portland cops hired a snitch. But he was already working for somebody else.
Willamette Week  |  Aaron Mesh  |  09-02-2015  |  Drugs

How Metro Spun the January Smoke Deathnew

Documents obtained through an open records request show the agency and its consultants scrambling to respond to the January smoke incident—and, for some reason, keeping tabs on a critical Twitter account along the way.
Washington City Paper  |  Will Sommer  |  09-02-2015  |  Transportation

Journalism Groups Challenge Government Press Restrictionsnew

The 49th anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act arrived this summer with dozens of newspaper groups challenging policies and orders keeping government affairs out of the sunshine and shielded from public review.
Wisconsin Gazette  |  Lisa Neff  |  09-02-2015  |  Media

Shot in the Parknew

A Sacramento cop guns down a schizophrenic man. Police say it's justified. Witnesses tell a different story. Whatever the truth, it's a tragic reminder of the region's ongoing mental-health crisis.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Nick Miller  |  09-02-2015  |  Crime & Justice

Housing First?new

Has Salt Lake City solved "the homeless problem"? No, despite a flurry of excited stories, it has not. But the Housing First model and the collaboration and commitment from local groups and the government on all levels in combination with Housing First are a huge step in the right direction that other cities can follow.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  08-20-2015  |  Homelessness

Attacks on Planned Parenthood are attacks on public healthnew

Address the root problem and not a bogeyman
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Editorial Board  |  08-20-2015  |  Policy Issues

Forgive Us Our Trespassesnew

The world called Paul Pelton the 'Nightcrawler of Lorain' after police arrested him for videotaping a grisly crash scene and trying to sell the footage. It was a devastating story, except it wasn't true.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  08-19-2015  |  Features

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