AltWeeklies Wire
It's Time for New Mexico to Make Some New Year's Resolutionsnew
Forget the personal. It’s time to get political. New Mexico, after all, faces challenges when it comes to everything from tackling political corruption to budget shortfalls, endemic drunk driving to declining educational achievement. That’s not to mention global warming.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
01-07-2010 |
The Top Ten News Stories of 2009 for Santa Fe and the Countrynew
As the economy tumbled, with it came the housing market, the job market and the public pocketbook. At the same time, lack of access to affordable health care became an intolerable political juggernaut, pay-to-play scandals unfolded here and elsewhere, and swine flu panic gripped the nation.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Santa Fe Reporter Staff |
12-31-2009 |
Man Up: Another Side to the Domestic Violence Storynew
Publicly, Joshua Gonze supports a controversial cause known as “fathers’ rights.” Less known is that for years, Gonze has been able to suppress and counter domestic abuse claims made by two former spouses.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Corey Pein |
12-17-2009 |
Children & Families
My Oh Mayan! 2012 May be the End of the World as We Know Itnew

For the growing numbers who trust anonymous bloggers more than silver-haired CNN anchors, an election is the least important thing 2012 will bring. After all, what is a little campaign next to mass extinction?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Corey Pein |
11-19-2009 |
Die, Already! Lawsuit Exposes Latest Life Insurance Schemenew
When it comes to high finance, New Mexico is still the Wild West. Shady characters come from all over to take big risks in a casino-like, almost lawless market. One such story is told in a lawsuit filed late last month in the 1st Judicial District Court in Santa Fe.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Corey Pein |
11-19-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Margaret Atwood Renders Today's Troubles into Absorbing Dystopian Tomorrowsnew

Atwood discusses her new novel, The Year of the Flood, today's environmental movement, and why no one can predict the future.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Julia Goldberg |
11-11-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
New Mexico's Environmental Horrors Could Lead to a Scary Sci-Fi Futurenew
In New Mexico, environmental horrors abound. Corporations influence the government's ability to regulate environmental emergencies, people who might otherwise be allies have faced off against one another in battle, and climate change is already punching its tentacles into the Southwestern landscape.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
10-29-2009 |
Scaling Up the Local Food Economy Depends on Finding Regular Buyersnew

On a recent flight between Santa Fe and Portland, Ore., my peanut and cracker offerings struck me as particularly pathetic. What if, I wondered, airlines picked up exciting and regionally characteristic snacks each time planes stopped in different locations?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Zane Fischer |
10-29-2009 |
The Top Five Music-Inspired Halloween Costumes I've Ever Seennew
In the spirit of Samhain, I wanted to talk in a countdown-like fashion about some of the most notable music-inspired costumes I've seen over the years, inspired by Blind Melon, AC/DC, Kurt Cobain, a werewolf hunting band and, unnaturally, the King of Pop.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Alex De Vore |
10-29-2009 |
Gamers, Rock On: 'Brütal Legend' Melts Faces with Sheer Musicnew
My two favorite things in the entire world are music and games. But until now, game developers and publishers simply hadn't found that perfect mix of music and gaming that I've been longing for. That's all changed with Brütal Legend.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Alex De Vore |
10-22-2009 |
Video Games
Tags: Brütal Legend, video games
Republican Dark Horse Candidate for Congress Winnning Over Some New Mexico Votersnew
Adam Kokesh, the Republican candidate for New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District seat -- currently held by Democratic Rep. Ben Ray Lujan -- is picking up support from Truthers, Birthers, Deathers and Tea Partiers, whose affiliations run the gamut from disenchanted Democrats to white supremacists.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
10-15-2009 |
New Mexico Has its Own Nuclear Inspector Problemsnew
Over the last two months, domestic nuclear inspectors have issued several reports regarding radiological incidents and administrative shortcomings in New Mexico. Though officials downplay the extent of the problems, the reports are startling.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
10-08-2009 |
New Mexico's Youth May be its Best Chance for Transforming its Economy -- and Futurenew
Many on the local frontlines of the green-jobs movement believe the chasm between rhetoric and reality is growing. They say the state's best hope for transformation -- environmental and economic -- may lie with its youth.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
10-01-2009 |
With 'American Casino,' Andrew and Leslie Cockburn Recast the Recession as Civil Rights Storynew

With more spark than a Frontline documentary and less pretense than whatever Michael Moore has cooking, American Casino is the best film so far to explain the US economic crisis.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Corey Pein |
10-01-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
New Mexico's Laws and GPS Technology Keep Sex Offenders Under Lock and Signalnew

In orbit 13,000 miles above earth, 24 US military satellites with atomic-clock hearts cycle the earth twice a day. The Corrections Department relies on this Big Brother-style satellite technology to track the 80 sex offenders currently under real-time electronic supervision.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
09-24-2009 |
Crime & Justice