AltWeeklies Wire
Low Wages Mean Two Jobs in One Daynew

Ejjair has been working at the Hyatt for 14 years but still makes only $9 per hour, not counting the occasions when a server shares tips with him.
Fran Quigley |
11-16-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: immigrants, labor
Indiana versus itselfnew
America may be divided, but that division has less to do with opposing ideas about how to solve the country's problems than it does with one side's trying to resist the momentum of history.
Weed, same-sex marriage, women and public transitnew

The 2012 election was a milestone in many regards, but Indiana public transit is still lagging behind.
Extreme Midget Wrestling Federation Comes to Indy!new

"Half the size, twice the violence!" So says the theme to EMWF, and is proved by the wrestlers of their star-studded roster.
Tags: Extreme Midget Wrestling
The Dollyrots strike out alonenew

The Dollyrots will perform at the Melody Inn this evening.
Joey Megan Harris |
11-04-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: The Dollyrots
Risky to talk religion on campaign trailnew
What makes the storm most interesting to me is that the position Mourdock expressed about abortion was no surprise: He's been a consistent opponent - even in rape and incest cases.
Lesley Weidenbener |
10-29-2012 |
Indiana candidates talk trucks, marijuana, creationismnew

On the issue of marijuana, Pence called it a "scourge," Gregg is disinclined to decriminalization, but remains open to discuss, while Boneham supports legalization for medical purposes.
Tags: Mike Pence, John Gregg
Women in jeopardynew
If you vote Republican, you will be voting against women. It's as simple as that.
Tags: Mike Pence, women's rights
Indiana Fever: National Champs!new

Is a national championship worth a consecutive three-peat "Thumbs Up" listing for the Indiana Fever? You bet!
Indiana Appeals court rejects Planned Parenthood defundingnew

"The State does not have plenary authority to exclude a class of providers for any reason...." the three-judge panel opines in its ruling.
NUVO Editors |
10-23-2012 |
Policy Issues
Reflections on the final presidential debatenew
Although this last presidential debate
included its share of sniping from candidate to candidate, it lacked the drama
and the fireworks of the first two.
John Krull |
10-23-2012 |
The 10 Worst College Majorsnew
A recent study in the journal Liberal Education finds that many liberal arts colleges are either changing their missions or disappearing altogether.
Grape Sense: An Award-Winning Vignolesnew

River City Winery, situated in downtown New Albany, won top honors at the Indy International Wine Competition for its 2011 Vignoles.
Howard Hewitt |
10-17-2012 |