AltWeeklies Wire

You'll Want to Beam Yourself Away from 'Jumper'new

If you enjoyed the X-Men trilogy, but secretly wished that it had spent more time observing Wolverine sitting at home alone spearing watermelon slices on his retractable claws, this is the inaction movie you've been breathlessly awaiting all your life.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Mike D'Angelo  |  02-14-2008  |  Reviews

Should Las Vegas Consider a Future Without the Monorail?new

It seems that the Las Vegas Monorail, the nearly four-mile mass of train track and troubled finances,­ can't catch a break. Despite rising ridership, the little rail that could is still in a world of hurt.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Aaron Thompson  |  02-14-2008  |  Transportation

Insuring Celebrity Miserynew

Tom Jones' chest beard is just the beginning.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Greg Beato  |  02-14-2008  |  Commentary

Signs of the (Electoral) Timesnew

Can't we do something about all these political placards?
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Damon Hodge  |  02-14-2008  |  Politics

The Higher Grows More Maturenew

A little lineup change and a new CD are keeping The Higher busy.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Julie Seabaugh  |  02-07-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

How to Cope With a Hangovernew

Our fearless do-goodersm dubbed Team Hangover, have valiantly put themselves between you and the oncoming train(wreck) that threatens to lay waste to your Monday morning, testing pills, potions and notions to combat the evil that is ... a Hangover.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Las Vegas Weekly Staff  |  02-07-2008  |  Recreation

Pocket-sized DJ system Releasednew

Swedish tech company Tonium Laboratories recently announced the release of Pacemaker, “the world’s first professional pocket-sized DJ system,” the creators hoping to appeal primarily to dance and electronic-music professionals and fans.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Deanna Rilling  |  01-30-2008  |  Music

Eva Longoria's New Film May Help You Sleepnew

Uninspired writing and hackneyed scenarios prevent Over Her Dead Body from being anything more than a feature-length sleep aid.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Tasha Chemplavil  |  01-30-2008  |  Reviews

Weirdsville Neither as Funny Nor as Serious as it Should Benew

An awkward cross between Requiem for a Dream and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Weirdsville never achieves the balance it needs to work either as a dark portrait of petty crime and drug addiction or as a goofy, ramshackle stoner comedy.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Josh Bell  |  01-30-2008  |  Reviews

Persepolis is Quite an Extraordinary Achievementnew

Though the film leaves out the subtle and complex political nuances of the book in favor of speed and brevity, it’s also a good deal livelier and funnier.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Jeffrey M. Anderson  |  01-30-2008  |  Reviews

Francis Ford Coppola Returns From Hiatusnew

I wish I could report that Youth Without Youth is a comeback of immense proportions and that Coppola has restored himself as a kind of genius auteur, but the film is far more difficult than that.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Jeffrey M. Anderson  |  01-30-2008  |  Reviews

Dispatch from Nevada: Why Caucuses Sucknew

Beyond 2008, the Democratic Party needs to scrap the caucus system, with all its obvious potential for abuse, and return to a secret ballot primary that prevents the kind of bullying and pressure tactics that we just witnessed here in Nevada.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  K.W. Jeter  |  01-25-2008  |  Politics

Can Snugglecore Satisfy?new

There is a tail-wagging, heartwarming universe of websites devoted to the cute and nothing but the cute, cuteness fetishized until the tiny, scrunchable mammals portrayed on, and an ever-expanding menagerie of copycat sites exist as little more than mere objects to be brutally cuddled.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Greg Beato  |  01-25-2008  |  Commentary

Picasso Triumphantnew

The latest volume of the painter's biography is another masterpiece.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Richard Abowitz  |  01-25-2008  |  Nonfiction

Celebreality Checknew

Back-to-back evidence of the degradation inherent in being a celebrity in 2008 is available every Thursday, with NBC's The Celebrity Apprentice at 9 p.m. followed by VH1's Celebrity Rehab at 10.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Josh Bell  |  01-25-2008  |  TV

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