AltWeeklies Wire
Salman Rushdie Creates an Engrossing East-Meets-West Novelnew

The bridge between these two worlds is the enchantress of the book's title, an Indian princess so beautiful and beguiling, Rushdie keeps her from the reader for more than half of the book--as if we, too, could not bear the full power of her charms.
Weekly Alibi |
John Freeman |
07-22-2008 |
Religion and Power Collide in 'Constantine's Sword'new
The film looks at several historical examples of a fused church and state and documents the marginalization, oppression and death such a merging produces--often in Christianity’s name.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
07-22-2008 |
Who is Zoltan Szekely?new
The self-proclaimed mad Hungarian and leader of Zoltan Orkestar opens up. A little.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
07-22-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
New Orleans Legend Allen Toussaint Crowns the First Week of the 2008 New Mexico Jazz Festivalnew
It's hard to turn a musical corner just about anywhere in American pop, rock 'n' roll, R&B or funk from the late '50s onward without encountering the influence of Toussaint--composer, producer, arranger, pianist, singer, sideman and 1998 Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame inductee.
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Mel Minter |
07-22-2008 |
The Albuquerque Theatre Guild Shakes Up the Scenenew
If the Albuquerque Theatre Guild had a catchphrase, it'd be: "More butts in seats." The adage best sums up the organization's top priority—plus, it's pithy and would look great on a T-shirt.
Weekly Alibi |
Amy Dalness |
07-22-2008 |
Red, White and Blackwater: An Interview with Jeremy Scahillnew

As media coverage is slipping, Scahill, who has reported from Iraq in both the Clinton and Bush administrations, is releasing an update to his book. The new version includes a thorough account of that infamous day at Nisour Square, along with details on the Blackwater operative who shot and killed the Iraqi vice president’s bodyguard on Christmas Eve of 2006.
Weekly Alibi |
Christie Chisholm |
07-01-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Will the Democrats Blow It in November?new
Lately I've been having one of those anxiety dreams, the same one over and over. I'm glued to my recliner on election night, unable to move my eyes from the screen. As the results are posted, the outcome becomes clearer and the unthinkable has happened: John McCain has won and the long, painful national catastrophe that is the Bush administration will assuredly spiral downward for at least another four years.
Weekly Alibi |
Jerry Ortiz y Pino |
07-01-2008 |
Environmentally-Friendly Burials Save More than One Kind of Greennew
Dienna Genther's coffins have an obvious marketing appeal to those seeking a "green" burial, something that has become increasingly popular over the last few years. Yet she emphasizes the reduced financial burden on the deceased and their families when explaining her business motives. She speaks soberly and doesn't come off as an idealist as much as she does a tradesperson.
Weekly Alibi |
Marquis Dufek |
07-01-2008 |
Exchanging Gifts with Humorist David Sedarisnew
David Sedaris is in high spirits, despite the fact that he's just about to embark on a book tour of 29 cities in the span of a month to sign copies of his sixth release, When You Are Engulfed in Flames.
Weekly Alibi |
Kyle Tonniges |
06-24-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
God Bless Adult Swim for 'Fat Guy Stuck in Internet'new
Not only does Cartoon Network's late-night roundup of adult-appealing shows give us endless hours of moronic entertainment, it also provides employment for dozens of men and women whose mothers drank way too much during pregnancy. How else to explain Adult Swim's newest Sunday night offering, Fat Guy Stuck in Internet?
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Devin D. O'Leary |
06-24-2008 |
A Lens Through a Lens: A Conversation with Marianne Wigginsnew
Blending historical biography with personal narrative, Wiggins examines how time, distance, memory and desire can alter the truth in her novel The Shadow Catcher.
Weekly Alibi |
Lisa Lenard-Cook |
06-24-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Impeachment? What Impeachment?new
You probably didn't hear about it, but on June 11, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush in the House of Representative.
Weekly Alibi |
Benjamin Radford |
06-24-2008 |
Real or Perceived, the Food Crisis Can be Tamednew

As this cycle of recession and shortages plays out, it's almost certain that another will surface in the future. And as long as the possibility of famine exists, we've fixed nothing. It may be time to stop treating food as a commodity.
Weekly Alibi |
Maren Tarro |
06-03-2008 |
Meat the 21st Century: A Delinquent Vegetarian's Victory Talenew

After almost 11 years of a repulsion-based vegetarianism, one day I just ceased to be repulsed. I'm alarmingly comfortable with relinquishing something that's been part of my very identity for so long. It is a little sad for me, admittedly, but the epicurean future is too tantalizing for it to get me down. Thank you, bacon.
Weekly Alibi |
Jessica Cassyle Carr |
05-20-2008 |
Miley Cyrus with Her Back Exposed! The Horror!new
Disney may own the rights to Hannah Montana, but Miley Cyrus is a human being. Sure, she's a star and a zillionaire and everything, but she's still a teenage girl. The idea that she must studiously avoid anything that smacks of maturity is ridiculous.
Weekly Alibi |
Benjamin Radford |
05-20-2008 |