AltWeeklies Wire
‘A Violent Takedown’ in Stonewall,

One week after the death of Jonathan Sanders, a black man killed after a white police officer stopped him in the east Mississippi town of Stonewall, a clearer picture of tensions between local law enforcement agencies and the African American community is starting to emerge.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L Nave and Zachary Oren Smith |
07-23-2015 |
Race & Class
Radical Predictionsnew

Emeritus natural resources professor Guy McPherson says the Earth's sixth extinction is already under way, we could see mass die-offs of humans and other species within 18 months and humanity has at best 10 to 20 years. What do noted climate scientists and authors think about these dire predictions?
Eugene Weekly |
Ted Taylor |
07-21-2015 |
No Choice: Pittsburgh Family on Frontlines of PA's Medical Cannabis Debatenew

Jessica Hawkins breaks the law every time she gives her child her medical cannabis in Pa. and she has no intention of stopping.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Jessica Hardin |
07-13-2015 |
Idaho's New Prison Scandalnew

Two years after the Idaho state prison was found to have been falsifying documents to conceal understaffing, a new scandal is breaking alleging the systematic tampering with and/or destruction of prisoner medical records to exclude diagnoses of gender identity disorder.
Boise Weekly |
George Prentice |
07-13-2015 |
Crime & Justice
Mississippi’s Only Aborton Clinic Safe for Nownew

Mississippi’s only abortion clinic, the Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization, has again staved off closure, but the U.S. Supreme Court could soon decide its fate.
Jackson Free Press |
Arielle Dreher |
07-10-2015 |
The War on Women
Tags: Mississippi abortion
Same-Sex Marriage Comes to Louisiananew

After the U.S. Supreme Court decision, New Orleans saw its first gay weddings.
Confederate Flag Divides Mississippi Politiciansnew
In the wake of the Charleston massacre, the nation is questioning South Carolina's Confederate flag, and in turn, looking to Mississippi's state flag that features the symbol.
Jackson Free Press |
Arielle Dreher |
07-02-2015 |
Race & Class
Transgender Man Sues Tower Loannew
Tristan Broussard and his lawyers are locked in a legal battle over whether employers can force employees to dress based on a stereotype of birth gender.
Jackson Free Press |
Zachary Oren Smith |
07-02-2015 |
The Next LGBTQ Battleground: The Workplacenew

Cary woman sues General Services Corporation over alleged discrimination.
N.Y. Schools Are No Haven for Transgender Youthnew

A recent report from the New York Civil Liberties Union says that discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming youth is pervasive in the state's public schools.
City Newspaper |
Tim Louis Macaluso |
07-01-2015 |
Dirty Medicinenew

Butane hash oil, illegal pesticides, unregulated labs and a looming public health threat.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
06-29-2015 |
In Illinois Prisons, Getting Sick Can be a Death Sentencenew

Health care in Illinois prisons is so poor that it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, a court-appointed panel of experts has found.
Illinois Times |
Bruce Rushton |
06-25-2015 |
Death in Detentionnew

The autopsy shows that while undocumented immigrant Jose de Jesus Deniz-Sahagun was being housed in a privately run Eloy prison in May, he shoved a sock down his throat and choked on it.
Tucson Weekly |
Jim Nintzel |
06-25-2015 |
My Friend Rachel Dolezal: Walk in Her Shoesnew
Long before she drew controversy for allegedly misrepresenting her racial background, Rachel Dolezal was a student in Jackson involved with community groups. Friends such as Kass Welchlin remember her as a giving person and a talented artist.
Jackson Free Press |
Kass Welchlin |
06-23-2015 |
Race & Class
The Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Can Bring On Depression, PTSDnew

Mental health experts warn that the stories and images from the federal flood can be harmful.
Tags: anniversary