AltWeeklies Wire
Barefoot Brouhahanew

National winemaker seeks to stomp out local Charlottesville company's moniker.
C-Ville Weekly |
Lisa Provence |
11-24-2015 |
The Power Issuenew

Maybe they’re not the biggest names in their fields. They’re not the wealthiest—some of them are still paying off student loans (or accruing them). But these 15 Charlottesville locals are young, they’re hungry, and if you don’t know them yet, you will soon.
C-Ville Weekly |
C-Ville Staff |
06-27-2014 |
Tags: Multimedia
Eric Cantor's Ongoing War With Himselfnew

Eric Cantor's latest bout of ideological whiplash comes as he gears up for his 2014 reelection campaign.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
05-02-2014 |
Tags: Eric Cantor
What Happens When a Small Liberal Paper Attracts the Online Conservative Hordes?new

Thoughts about race from the liberal, lying, lamestream media.
C-Ville Weekly |
Giles Morris |
01-09-2014 |
The Bypassnew

Albemarle County's three-decade fight over the Western Bypass isn’t over yet.
C-Ville Weekly |
Graelyn Brashear |
08-28-2013 |
Obama’s Deferred Action Plan Attracts Latinos’ Attentionnew

Undocumented residents across the country are flocking to legal offices to discuss and apply for Deferred Action status, a recently approved administrative program that temporarily protects young immigrants from deportation.
C-Ville Weekly |
Laura Ingles |
09-18-2012 |
DNC Postmortemnew

A week of eloquence and urban survivalism.
C-Ville Weekly |
Jen Sorensen |
09-10-2012 |
The Wonder Yearsnew

How real estate and gentrification changed a town for good.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
08-28-2012 |
Housing & Development
Tags: Gentrification, Neighborhoods
Romney's Virginia Team Muddles the Messagenew

The quantity of campaign surrogates is far less important than the quality—a painful lesson that the Romney campaign is just now learning.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
07-25-2012 |
How Local is Local?new

From barley to bottle in Virginia.
C-Ville Weekly |
Megan Headley |
11-08-2011 |
Speed is colorblindnew

Post-racial America thrives at the Eastside Speedway drag strip
C-Ville Weekly |
Kyle Daly |
07-12-2011 |
Virginia's Neglected Patch of Civil War Battlefieldsnew

Over a century after the real skirmish, the Battle of Waynesboro unfolds on a privately held piece of land that once belonged to Confederate Major William Patrick.
C-Ville Weekly |
Brendan Fitzgerald |
06-28-2011 |
Drinking From the Gardennew

Incorporate summer produce into cocktail time.
C-Ville Weekly |
Megan Headley |
06-21-2011 |
Charlottesville's Infant Mortality Crisisnew

In 2009, Charlottesville’s infant mortality rate was 8.8 deaths per 1,000 live births—more than 25 percent above the Virginia state average. Focus on the city’s African-American population and the rate jumps to 17.5.
C-Ville Weekly |
Brendan Fitzgerald |
03-11-2011 |
Children & Families
Tags: Infant Mortality, Shawnte Rawlings
Virginia Quarterly Review Editor Speaks Outnew

Breaking his silence after a staffer's suicide, Ted Genoways depicts pressures at VQR and answers the charge that he bullied Kevin Morrissey to death.
C-Ville Weekly |
Brendan Fitzgerald |
09-28-2010 |