AltWeeklies Wire

Inside the First Church of Cannabisnew

The first service will be held on July 1, moments after Indiana's RFRA law goes into effect.
NUVO  |  Ed Wenck  |  06-23-2015  |  Culture

The music of Elliott Smith re-told through a documentarynew

IU Cinema shows a documentary based on the life and career of singer-songwriter Elliott Smith.
NUVO  |  Kevin Hyland  |  06-08-2015  |  Movies

Which Indiana Legislators Voted for RFRA and Where Do They Work?new

The Indiana General Assembly is a part-time legislature. Unless they are retired or independently wealthy, elected officials have a day job. Here's a list of many of the lawmakers who voted for the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and their occupations, places of business and/or business affiliations.
NUVO  |  Amber Stearns  |  03-31-2015  |  LGBT

All About Cosplaynew

Is that a lightsaber or are you just glad to see me?
NUVO  |  Ed Wenck  |  03-13-2015  |  Recreation

The Homeless Soldiernew

One veteran’s journey through poverty and how he found the road out.
NUVO  |  Amber Stearns  |  11-12-2014  |  Poverty

Lessons from the Riot Grrrlsnew

"As strange as it seems to me now, I'd never really considered how unjust the gender inequities were in rock music of this era. Somehow it just seemed natural that only dudes were in rock bands."
NUVO  |  Kyle Long  |  11-05-2014  |  Music

The Life Cycle of Craft Beernew

From the brewer, to the marketing guy, to the beverage manager.
NUVO  |  Sarah Murrell  |  09-25-2014  |  Food+Drink

Godzilla: The biggest cock-blocker on Earthnew

It has its frustrating moments, but the new Godzilla is the best Ed's seen since the first one.
NUVO  |  Ed Johnson-Ott  |  05-27-2014  |  Movies

Lesbian marriage recognition extended in Indiananew

Chief Judge Richard Young of the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana on Wednesday extended the preliminary injunction ordered to protect recognition of a lesbian couple's out-of-state marriage as one of the women, Niki Quasney, continues treatment for late-stage cancer.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  05-08-2014  |  LGBT

Fixing an Islamic lens on lesbian lovenew

First-time author's characters explores sexuality, morality and relationships. Fatima Warsame will hold an author's signing from 11am-1pm, Wednesday, May 7 at the IUPUI Campus Center Barnes and Noble.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  05-07-2014  |  Books

The death penalty and the worst among usnew

Oklahoma's botched execution of convicted murderer and rapist Clayton Lockett stirred memories of a time when Indiana struggled to kill someone.
NUVO  |  John Krull  |  05-06-2014  |  Civil Liberties

Indiana researcher seeks "Acoustics of the Earth"new

A global project based in Indiana is capturing the earth's acoustics, one upload at a time.
NUVO  |  Indiana News Service  |  04-29-2014  |  Science

Mapping the Meal Gap in Indiananew

"Map the Meal Gap 2014," released by Feeding Indiana's Hungry, found that more than 1 million people, including nearly 346,000 children, don't know when or from where their next meal will come.
NUVO  |  Indiana News Service  |  04-29-2014  |  Poverty

Censoring Burlesquenew

By defining a typical burlesque performance as adult entertainment, Indianapolis may effectively kick troupes out of the venues they know and love. Or maybe not.
NUVO  |  Scott Shoger  |  04-21-2014  |  Performance

Nymphomaniac: Volume Onenew

I haven't seen so many dicks since the last session of the Indiana General Assembly.
NUVO  |  Ed Johnson-Ott  |  03-28-2014  |  Movies

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