AltWeeklies Wire
Calif. Governor Signs Bill That Heads Off Ban on Circumcisionsnew

The controversy over male circumcisions have officially been nipped in the bud. Governor Jerry Brown on Sunday signed off on a new law that puts the kibosh local cities and counties to criminalize circumcision for males younger than 18.
Head Casenew

Experts say ex-football players with head injuries often end up in the criminal justice system. Former USC lineman Chris Brymer is exhibit A.
The Many Faces of Dr. Syednew

A phony dermatologist misdiagnosed patients and stuck them with needles. It took four years for the medical board to figure it out.
Tags: Timothy Syed Andersson
UCSF Is First Hospital in California with a Musician in Residencenew
Gabe Turow, 25, started as a volunteer last year, and has been working for the past month at what he dubs the "coolest job in the world." The position was made possible by a grant from the nonprofit Rock Against Cancer, which is covering Turow's salary at the hospital plus that of seven similar performers around the country.
Public Health Advocates Want Gay Hookup Websites to Promote Safe Sexnew
For public health advocates, the internet is the new tobacco. Just as the "right to smoke" as an important civil liberty has been largely discredited, the "right" of sex website owners to profit unfettered from the spread of diseases such as syphilis and AIDS should also go by the wayside.
My Body, My Selfnew
Food issues and a bad self-image led me to undergo weight-loss surgery. I'm still a mess, but a better-looking one.
Tags: Health & Science
Human Life Speculators Bet on Elder Deathsnew
In an unusual come-on directed toward elderly people in California, Idaho, and perhaps other U.S. states, seniors are offered $1,000 if they'll sign notarized contracts in which they commit to handing over detailed personal medical and financial information.
Tags: Health & Science
No Hail Caesareannew
Expectant mothers are losing an option to birth babies naturally and activists are charging it is more about money than safety.
Tags: Health & Science
Free Trade (in Doctors)new
If physicians really cared about our health, they'd drop their iron wall against immigrant doctors.
Tags: Health & Science
That Is Highnew
Medical marijuana smokers face a 1,000-percent increase in cost of a California ID card.
Tags: Health & Science
Lust for Lifenew
The testing of a promising HIV vaccine requires volunteers who will couple for the cause.
Tags: Health & Science
For years, San Francisco has been using racy ads to sell HIV prevention -- but do they work?
Tags: Health & Science
Super-Hyped Infection Stirs Fearnew
Sensational headlines coupled with fearmongering public health reports have HIV-positive men in San Francisco running scared. But the existence of an HIV superinfection is yet to be explicitly proven.
Tobacco's Smoking Gunnew
A treasure trove of damning evidence against Big Tobacco has been unearthed at the University of California at San Francisco.
Pulling into a Remote Controlled Futurenew
Will a new generation of curbside sensors end our parking problems -- or help the government monitor our every move?
Tags: Health & Science