AltWeeklies Wire
Waging a PR War at Guantanamonew

U.S. officials are working hard to convince journalists that the military commission trial of Canadian Omar Khadr is fair. This is quite a feat given that Khadr is heading into a courtroom without a full investigation of charges that he was interrogated without access to legal counsel and under torture.
NOW Magazine |
Debbie Melnyk and Rick Caine |
11-03-2008 |
Canada's Afghan Pullout Bluesnew

The prime minister's promised 2011 exit is in jeopardy from a shifting U.S. geo-strategy.
NOW Magazine |
Paul Weinberg |
09-08-2008 |
Against the War? Shun the Democrats & Push Peace Dealnew
Many of the most prominent antiwar voices say that if activists want to end the war, they should simply pick a candidate who is not John McCain and help them win. They can sort out the details after the Republicans are evicted from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This is a serious strategic mistake.
NOW Magazine |
Naomi Klein and Jeremy Scahill |
03-28-2008 |
Canada's Liberal Leader is Addicted to Powernew
Stephane Dion's deadly Afghan double-deal shows he'd rather count body bags than combat Tories.
NOW Magazine |
Michael Hollett |
02-25-2008 |
Canada's Case for More Warnew
Panel on Afghanistan gives the prime minister a rationale for dragging out the conflict.
NOW Magazine |
Steven Staples |
01-28-2008 |
Tags: Afghanistan, war & peace
We Can't Call Ourselves Peacekeepers if We Reject Soldiers of Peacenew
The Supreme Court of Canada has recently refused to hear refugee appeals from two brave American warriors, Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey, two of dozens of gutsy soldiers who have headed here rather than follow orders to attack Iraq.
NOW Magazine |
Michael Hollett |
11-26-2007 |
Bush's Body Countnew
655,000 Iraqis have died since U.S. invasion, more than twice those killed under Saddam.
NOW Magazine |
Gwynne Dyer |
10-20-2006 |
Fast Times at Machine Gun Highnew
The stretched Canadian armed forces quietly lure high-schoolers with promise of credits and cash.
NOW Magazine |
Andrew Cash |
05-25-2006 |
Tags: military, recruiting
AWOL GIs Dealt Legal Blownew

The latest court decision in Canada leaves refugee claims of Iraq war refuseniks in doubt.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
05-18-2006 |
Bio-Med Backtracknew
University of Toronto appears to be backing off its relationship with Battelle Memorial Institute, a major Pentagon contractor in the chemical warfare field -- was it peace activists that did it in?
NOW Magazine |
Paul Weinberg |
05-04-2006 |
Tags: war & peace
Make Love, Not Warnew
Can wedlock save AWOL U.S. soldiers from deportation?
NOW Magazine |
Albert Nerenberg |
03-09-2006 |
Tags: war in iraq, objectors
GIs Plea for Refugee Statusnew
The Canadian case of U.S. war resisters Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey hinges on war crimes in Iraq.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
02-16-2006 |
'Peace Support' in a War Zone?new
Which is more disconcerting: Not knowing what Canadian troops are doing in Afghanistan, or that so few in the press have even bothered raising the question?
NOW Magazine |
Mike Smith |
02-07-2006 |
Major Tom to Ground Controlnew
Activist Tom Hayden gives Canada's New Democratic Party a strategy to win refuge for U.S. soldiers fleeing service in Iraq.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
04-29-2005 |
Tags: war & peace
A Just Deserternew
Jeremy Hinzman puts alleged U.S. war crimes on trial in Toronto.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
12-21-2004 |
Tags: war & peace