AltWeeklies Wire

Drone Zone: High-Tech War Games in Oregon?new

If senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley have their way, and the FAA reauthorization bill is signed into law with an increase in drone-testing areas inserted, then a swath of high desert, currently home to sage grouse and antelope, could become prime real estate for drones or more accurately, unmanned aerial systems. As war becomes more and more like a high tech video game, the question becomes: Does Oregon want to be in the business of testing killing machines?
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  05-20-2011  |  War

Did FBI Foil Its FBI Bomb Plot?

Did the FBI foil a teenager’s terrorist bomb plot at the Portland Christmas tree lighting last Friday, or did the federal agents who contacted, trained, funded, equipped and directed the teen to press the button on the bomb they built and placed for him simply foil their own sophisticated “bomb” plot and then hype it in the media?
Eugene Weekly  |  Alan Pittman  |  12-14-2010  |  War

Bait and Kill: Soldier Resists More Deadly Missionsnew

A soldier who once participated in the Army's "bait and kill" teams in Iraq now suffers from PTSD now faces a court martial, prison and no treatment for his injuries for his refusal to fight in a war he does not believe in.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  05-28-2008  |  War

Refusing an Illegal Warnew

Refusenik Lt. Ehren Watada won't be silenced.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  08-18-2006  |  War

Life During Wartimenew

Iraqi journalist and human rights activist Eman Ahmed Khamas discusses the new Iraq and living under American occupation.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  03-30-2006  |  War

Vietnam to Iraq: Activism Across Generationsnew

It's a different time and a different war, but the movement against the Vietnam War in the late '60s and early '70s offers lessons for young residents of Eugene, Ore., who are part of the nascent student movement against the Iraq War.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  11-29-2004  |  War

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