AltWeeklies Wire

In Canada We Trustnew

Leaving behind the military family they once cherished, Patrick and Jill Hart find a new family among other war resisters north of the border.
Metroland  |  David King  |  07-13-2006  |  War

Not in Our Front Yardnew

The Bush administration is trying to make it easier to put soldiers on American streets.
Metroland  |  David King  |  10-27-2005  |  War

When Fear is Fatalnew

As the U.S. military relies more on reservists in Iraq, are fatal mistakes inevitable?
Metroland  |  David Axe  |  03-17-2005  |  War

The Army Wants Usnew

The Army's "Spirit of America" show ventures into a non-military town, and citizens' reaction hasn't been entirely positive.
Metroland  |  Rick Marshall  |  10-01-2004  |  War

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