AltWeeklies Wire

The Army's Controversial Anthropology Programnew

The US military embeds cultural anthropologists in war zones in hopes of easing relations with native populations. The scientific community wants the program brought into line and are demanding a place at the policy-making table.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Piatetsky  |  03-12-2009  |  War

Soldiers Committing Suicidenew

The US military is experiencing a troubling uptick in suicides -- both with active-duty troops overseas and with returned vets. The culprit is post-traumatic stress disorder, and the Pentagon has neither the money, the know-how, or the will to stop it.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jason Notte  |  03-12-2009  |  War

DIY Therapy for US War Vetsnew

It's scars and stripes forever as a cathartic art project helps vets discover that their military uniforms -- like their service -- look better on paper.
Boston Phoenix  |  Julia Rappaport  |  09-25-2008  |  War

Running Up a Tab in Iraqnew

The authors of The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict react to the administration's dismissal of their findings.
Boston Phoenix  |  Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes  |  04-03-2008  |  War

What's Going On?new

Never mind the information age. When it comes to the war, we're still in the dark.
Boston Phoenix  |  Vanessa Czarnecki  |  03-13-2008  |  War

The Three Trillion Dollar Warnew

Original estimates of between $50 to $60 billion were, at best, optimistic guesses about what the Iraq war would cost. Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz discusses the punishing cost of staying the course any longer.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Kadzis  |  03-13-2008  |  War

Know Nukesnew

Nuclear-terror expert Michael Levi explains how (and why) our worst national nightmare is so misunderstood.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  01-04-2008  |  War

Dropkick Husseinsnew

A couple of Boston GIs go step-dancing on Saddam's grave.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  11-15-2007  |  War

A Stand Against Silencenew

The American Legion banned Veterans for Peace from marching in Boston's Veteran's Day parade this year, but the guys showed up anyway. So did the cops.
Boston Phoenix  |  Neely Steinberg  |  11-15-2007  |  War

Pop Goes to Warnew

Tokens of normalcy in a surreal dystopia, music and movies are vital coping mechanisms for US servicepeople in Iraq, and often after they get home.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  07-27-2007  |  War

Marines Challenge Anti-War Vetsnew

Two reservists learned this past week that the Marine Corps was recommending they receive "other than honorable" discharges as a result of certain aspects of their anti-war activities.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ian Sands  |  06-07-2007  |  War

Don't Ask, Don't Helpnew

Medics who could be treating soldiers in Iraq are home instead -- because they're gay.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  02-02-2006  |  War

Come Die in Iraqnew

Increasingly, military recruiters find themselves struggling against a growing anti-war movement that aims to block recruitment on high-school and college campuses.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  12-06-2005  |  War

Home on the Rangenew

A visit to Camp Casey, where one mother has set off a vibe that tempers even the most rabid Iraq-war backer.
Boston Phoenix  |  Barry Crimmins  |  08-18-2005  |  War

Talk Firstnew

The nation’s first demobilization program to include mandatory one-on-one counseling has just debriefed its first wave of Iraq-war Army National Guard soldiers. So far, so good.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  05-27-2005  |  War

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