AltWeeklies Wire
Gone Battynew
Bat people and the bizarre beauty of the creepy winged creatures.
Metro Times |
Samantha Cleaver |
11-06-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Gorillas in Our Midstnew

In the North Georgia mountains, Jane and Steuart Dewar built a one-of-a-kind haven for gorillas in need.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Freeman |
11-01-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Mass. Activists Bullish on Circus Bannew

During a raucous State House hearing last week, animal advocates pulled out all the stops convince the legislature to effectively ban the circus.
Dig Boston |
Keith Howard |
10-24-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: circus, animal issues
Raising Chickens in Your Own Back Yardnew
It may seem like a daunting task, especially in a city environment, but some Boise residents find keeping chickens a low-maintenance, highly rewarding project.
Boise Weekly |
Kelly Lynae Robinson |
10-11-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Carl's Jr. Takes First Step Away from Factory Farmingnew
Prodded by PETA, the fast-food chain has promised to immediately begin purchasing 15 percent of its pork from suppliers who do not use "gestation crates," increasing that to 25 percent by July 2008.
Santa Barbara Independent |
Martha Sadler |
10-09-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Tusko's Bad Tripnew
LSD experiment at zoo in 1962 killed an elephant.
Oklahoma Gazette |
Rob Collins |
10-05-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues, LSD
Blue Whale Requiemnew
Mystery reigns as sonar tests pit military training against beloved Southland pods.
L.A. Weekly |
Judith Lewis |
10-01-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Let's Goat Crazy!new
Pygmy goats are awfully cute, but is the Seattle City Council's bid to equate them with cats and dogs such a good idea in a modern metropolis?
Seattle Weekly |
John Metcalfe |
09-18-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Miami's Feline Fringe is a Vanishing Breednew
Animal rights activists, alarmist neighbors, and the squeeze of increasingly tighter legislation have pushed Miami's cat people from the city to the suburbs to the farthest edges of town.
Miami New Times |
Calvin Godfrey |
09-18-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Greyhound Racing Wanesnew
Tracks and breeders struggle as attendance declines.
Houston Press |
Russell Cobb |
09-11-2007 |
Animal Issues
Bad Mojonew
The Michael Vick case brought back some unpleasant memories from long ago.
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
09-05-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Police Taser Dog to Deathnew
The Vermont attorney general is investigating all police use of Tasers.
Seven Days |
Patrick Ripley |
09-05-2007 |
Animal Issues
Facebook Activismnew
Last week, Dalhousie University and an animal activist identified as Amy Scott turned Facebook into a bizarre cyber battlefield when they locked horns over the university's use of animals for medical trials.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Mark Bolton |
08-31-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
In Memphis, Dogs of Dog Fighters Are Often Killednew
If the owner of a Memphis fighting dog is convicted, the dog is euthanized.
The Memphis Flyer |
Bianca Phillips |
08-31-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Lead Further Endangers Condorsnew
A California bill would protect state's fragile condor population from lead poisoning -- opponents see it as a disguised attack on hunters.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Daniel Harju |
08-31-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues