AltWeeklies Wire
DOJ: Arpaio Commits Worst Racial Profiling in U.S. Historynew

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office didn't just commit racial profiling of Latinos. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling by a law enforcement agency in U.S. history.
Phoenix New Times |
Ray Stern |
12-15-2011 |
Race & Class
American Heritage Dictionary Adds "Anchor Baby" to Latest Editionnew

The almighty definers at American Heritage don't seem to grasp the volatile nature of the term "anchor baby," a disparaging remark that aims to dehumanize the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants.
Phoenix New Times |
Monica Alonzo |
12-02-2011 |
Race & Class
Why Did a Pregnant Latina, Detained After a Traffic Stop, Have to Give Birth in Shackles?new

Alma Chacon's case raises questions about the use of racial profiling by Maricopa County sheriff's deputies during traffic stops, but, most importantly, sheds light on the mistreatment of unconvicted immigrants inside county jails.
Phoenix New Times |
Valeria Fernández |
10-27-2009 |
Race & Class
State of Fear in Arizona: Permanent Legal Resident Stopped For Being Brownnew
Rosa's husband is a U.S. citizen. She's a legal permanent resident, on her way to becoming a citizen herself. She plans to raise a family and go back to school. But she's thinking twice about doing either in Arizona after her run-in with two sheriff's deputies a couple of months ago.
Phoenix New Times |
Stephen Lemons |
10-20-2009 |
Race & Class
Recent Raid Shows Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Racially Profilingnew

A sweep of overwhelmingly Hispanic municipality Guadalupe shows "America's Toughest Sheriff" is down on anybody brown. What happened there seemed so odious that it earned Arpaio's sweeps condemnation from a broad political spectrum.
Phoenix New Times |
Stephen Lemons |
06-03-2008 |
Race & Class
Wisdom of the Ancestorsnew
A Hopi leader fought a lonely battle to stop a mining company from stealing water that helped build Phoenix. He succeeded--finally.
Phoenix New Times |
John Dougherty |
12-09-2005 |
Race & Class