AltWeeklies Wire
Nepotism, Cronyism and Turmoil at the Housing Authority of Maricopa Countynew
It started with the boss' brother. Doug Lingner had been executive director of the Housing Authority of Maricopa County for just two months when he hired his brother to repair a carport at the agency's Seventh Street complex. Total cost: $2,000.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
02-16-2010 |
Strip Searches at Maricopa County Jails Are Under Firenew
The United States Supreme Court has never officially weighed in on whether it's permissible to strip-search arrestees charged with minor crimes, like Michelle Miguel. But plenty of lower courts have — and they agree that the practice is unconstitutional.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
01-12-2010 |
Crime & Justice
Nothing is Sacred in the Wacked Legal World of Joe Arpaio and Andrew Thomasnew
Andrew Thomas and Joe Arpaio increasingly have become addicted to launching investigations against any and all political enemies, real and invented. It's not just about ACLU attorneys, illegal immigrants, electoral opponents, and newspaper publishers anymore.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
12-29-2009 |
Why Did a Pregnant Latina, Detained After a Traffic Stop, Have to Give Birth in Shackles?new
Alma Chacon's case raises questions about the use of racial profiling by Maricopa County sheriff's deputies during traffic stops, but, most importantly, sheds light on the mistreatment of unconvicted immigrants inside county jails.
Phoenix New Times |
Valeria Fernández |
10-27-2009 |
Race & Class
Neo-Nazis and Extreme Right-Wingers Love Joe Arpaionew
The Maricopa County sheriff's pattern of courting extremist nativists over the past four years is the natural result of Arpaio's Johnny-come-lately stand on illegal immigration, his immigration sweeps, and his Archie Bunker-like attitude regarding racial and ethnic issues wrapped up in the immigration debate.
Phoenix New Times |
Stephen Lemons |
05-19-2009 |
Der Furornew
When vice president of the World YWCA compared Israelis to Hitler in a company newsletter, one Phoenix YWCA became a war zone.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
08-15-2005 |
Tags: Maricopa County, YWCA